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  1. aussie damo

    Parts for sale

    im interested in spider wires would you ship to Australia? cheers damo
  2. aussie damo

    gday mate. I replaced belt tensioner and idler pulley and that fixed it

    gday mate. I replaced belt tensioner and idler pulley and that fixed it
  3. aussie damo


    I'm interested in lug nuts. could you let me know and if you would ship to Melbourne Australia? thanks /
  4. aussie damo

    Small Registry Update

    Do you want pics of our srt`s if it doesn't have one in the registry?
  5. aussie damo

    Grant Revolution Wheel

    im interested :drool:
  6. aussie damo

    Grant Revolution Wheel

    i sent them an email and they didn't even reply
  7. aussie damo

    Proud to be a new member of an exclusive club

    welcome from auatralia
  8. aussie damo

    Viper Truck Boneyard! Whatcha need?

    if you have the licence plate globe holders i need 2 of them. would be awesome if you have some lying around
  9. aussie damo

    1st Place

    awesome :burnout:
  10. aussie damo

    Squeak when cold

    mine does that too. been trying to figure it out. if i spay silicone spray on the bearing on th PS pump it seems to go away. but mine does it when its cold too.
  11. aussie damo

    This is for sale here in Australia

    Hi every one saw this for sale here in Australia. magnificant. very rare here in australia, our trucks are rare with maybe 30-40 in the whole country but i recon there are only a handfull of these :rock: 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner "Superbird" 440ci
  12. aussie damo

    new VTCOA member in central Texas

    welcome from Australia
  13. aussie damo

    New SRT-10 Owner in NorCal

    welcome to the club from Australia
  14. aussie damo

    New Member, 2004 Dodge Ram SRT-10 RC Black

    congrats from Australia
  15. aussie damo

    New owner Yellow Fever

    welcome from Australia
  16. aussie damo

    New member from Canada

    welcome from australia
  17. aussie damo

    For Sale: OEM Throttle body and Coils

    if you could please get me a price to Dandenong south Victoria Australia 3175 thanks you damo
  18. aussie damo

    For Sale: OEM Throttle body and Coils

    would you ship the throttle body to Australia??
  19. aussie damo

    6 speed conversion advice and tips

    You are correct. I never said I was smart:D It was early in the morning