Need Prayers


Full Access Member
May 18, 2006
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Well ... got a call at work today ...from the wife's surgeon...seems she started leaking spinal fluid last night while I was at the firehouse...made an appointment this morning, and the MD pulled out 8cc of spinal fluid from her back...seems something went wrong in there... (she had back surgery last Friday) for those not familiar...spinal fluid is an irritant...and now she is back in the OR as of ten minutes ago.

Looks like were spending the holiday in the hospital...I hate these places...:(

Need your prayers for the wife(Dawn)... she is pretty upset, and in I wait for post op news. She get's to spend the next 24 hours flat on her back...and I'm not sure if anyone has had the experience...but it pretty much sucks not being able to move.

TIA for the prayers....

Love and prayers coming your way Ken, keep us posted....
ken sorry to hear that,i know everything will be o.k. and of course Dawn and you will be in my familys prayers.if you need anything brother just call i am only 20 minutes away.
Damn Ken, sorry to hear this...

My thoughts and prayers are with you!

Need anything, you know the number....
Yeah thansk Brat, I couldnt remember just remember ken saying something about those highways.

Man this sucks, holidays arent meant for this.

Ken bro, anything jus call
Sorry to hear of this problem during the Holidays ,or any other time . Backs can be a bitch and the fluid leakage doubles that . Our family thoughts are with you bro and will try to blow you some good mojo your way . Give her a hug from all of us ,and tell her we mean it and are with her in spirit
Have A Kind Day
Will be praying for your wife Ken!!

I have been in the same situation, if she were to get up and move it could cause her to loose more fluid, If you have lost a significant amount of fluid and you satnd up you will experience a headache like you have never felt!!

Good thing is that she will re-generate new fuid but it takes time!!

Sorry this is happening to you guys at this time, but knowing you I am sure you will make it up to her once she gets better!!:)

God Bless!!

Marc T
Ken- you have my number. Feel free to call if you get bored.

I hope everything turns out OK.

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