SRT 10 in Whangarei

Kiwi SRT10

Full Access Member
Supporting Member
Dec 16, 2019
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hi Y'all
Yes I have a beast purchased in Wellywood and relocated to The North.
What a great collectable toy. It's for feathers fast. Really tho who cares if it is no good at anything.
It makes me smile and it makes my wife smile.
Like the engineers at Dodge said "Why Not"
Anyway juice and milk come in 2 litres
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The day before Lockdown
A chance meeting when on the way to town so I swooped in and had a quick chat.
Hope to catch up after it all blows over
Right now, here in Savannah, the price of a gallon of 93 octane, is $2.48. I also dumped a can of octane boost in the tank this past weekend. Between the boost, and my new BBK TB, I skeedaddle down the road pretty quick, LOL.
Gas....petrol as we call it for 95RON your 91 is $2.10 a litre $7.94 a US gal Mostly tax to pay for a welfare system. I am still working but no joyrides in the truck. Solar battery charger is's sleep time until this shit blows over
Gas....petrol as we call it for 95RON your 91 is $2.10 a litre $7.94 a US gal Mostly tax to pay for a welfare system. I am still working but no joyrides in the truck. Solar battery charger is's sleep time until this shit blows over
Hang in there, and be safe, Kiwi. We are hunkered down in Ga, but luckily I work in an essential job, so I'm still employed. Gas is dirt cheap, but like you, no benefit from it, we can only go from home, to work, doctor or grocery store, that's it.
Hang in there, and be safe, Kiwi. We are hunkered down in Ga, but luckily I work in an essential job, so I'm still employed. Gas is dirt cheap, but like you, no benefit from it, we can only go from home, to work, doctor or grocery store, that's it.
We are doing the right thing here keeping ourselves safe, so many others are not

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