Recent content by tarheelguy

  1. T

    got my first tat...

    with just looking at outline alone that guy does good work. im 21 and have about 35 hours on me, full sleeves and some leg work. looking forward to seeing some color. RedIce-DO NOT get an ARMBAND tattoo. please.
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    New Tool Box Suggestions

    if you are looking to never buy another box again and use it frequently go with snap on or mac, i got a nice 52inch 24inch bottom box for 1700 used. harbor freight boxes are powdercoated. one of the newer techs at my work has one, and if he accidentally gets brake clean on it his box goes from...
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    those bars are a sin
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    Small Kill

    CLS 550 does not run a 12, which is what you raced. the CLS63 does however. 550 has a 5.5 liter V8, they are quick little cars!! i drive them pretty often. for those of you that are fans of the AMG lineup they have now gone to a n/a 6.3 liter V8 that has a slight tune on it from AMG. thus the...
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    New Virginia Laws

    yeah, i found out it has passed. gay, but you have to get 4 tickets in something like 2 months for it to apply to you. it applies to the people that have a crappy record really, except i think the price of wreckless is going up and stuff. all this is gonna do is gonna make more people run...
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    New Virginia Laws

    that was a bill that never passed, nothing to worry about. ohh and i live in va
  7. T

    Looking to get another 04-05 SRT-10

    if you are open to a black RC mine is for sale. 10,700 miles. richmond va. 28k, dont know of any silver ones, sorry :( check carmax maybe???
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    My favorite

    nice bike dude!!! CF wheels, trim, fenders, niiiiiiiiice!!! i roll an R6, and mine is not quite that trick yet haha! maybe one day! that thing is saaaaaaawwwwwwweeeeeeeeet. GO YAMAHA!!!
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    yeah depends on if you want it for sport shooting, to conceal carry, etc... i like the H&K series of pistols as well, i personally have a glock G27. i prefer .40 caliber amunition for a handgun, in most cases you can carry more bullets per mag than a .45 and equal as many as a 9mm, .40 also has...
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    my 21st birthday present to myself

    yeah chuck that would be cool, shoot me a PM with that stuff, i need to set up my suspension too. its still how it was from the factory. thanks for all the good advice guys!
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    my 21st birthday present to myself

    wow chuck, thats ridiculous!!! im still learning to lean and im still kinda timid when it comes to turns. but ill get there i guess. i ride safer and more defensively than i drive my little beater saturn so im trying to be safe, i dont have a deathwish! any tips you can offer on getting the lean...
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    Need a 2nd Car....Performance Sedan Opinions???

    mercedes E55 or the new E63. you wont be dissapointed
  13. T

    my 21st birthday present to myself

    thanks for all the compliments guys. i really love that candy red color too, hence why i bought it. the license plate holder is gone already and i have exhaust on it now too. i ordered that like the day i got it. nowwhat that picture is awesome!!!! and your truck is faster than my bike!! haha
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    my 21st birthday present to myself

    i bet that 1200 moves. this is my first bike so i started off small and its still scary when i crack the throttle
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    my 21st birthday present to myself

    truck is fast, but this is faster!!!!!