Recent content by Tiger Lily

  1. Tiger Lily

    prayers and support please

    Always a heartbreaker when a child is taken from us. May much love and mercy and grace be with the family, my prayers included...
  2. Tiger Lily

    Ed McMahon goes home at 86:

    :congrats: Another of the greatest generation goes to his great reward. His voice, his laughter, genuine enjoyment of being the second banana and his kind heartedness always touched my heart. RIP dear one, God's great mercy on your soul and for your family. Thanks for the memories!:congrats:
  3. Tiger Lily

    Happy Birthday, my Darling.

    :marchmellow: :marchmellow: Hi everybody! Thank you for all the birthday salutations and well wishes. Was able to enjoy lunch with my friend, the lovely Miss Laura, can you say Margarita's for the ladies? Came home and took a nap with Willow and her pony, whilst the Cabana boy loosened...
  4. Tiger Lily

    Happy Easter

    A very Happy Resurrection Day to you and yours! It's for everyone, even the doubters. He is Risen! Rejoicing in the safe rescue of Capt. Richard Phillips and the relief his wife and children now know. Thank you also to the Navy Seals and all who participated in the rescue. Come home safely...
  5. Tiger Lily


    ...near dawn of the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala and the other Mary went to take a look at the tomb. And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled the boulder back and sat upon it. His appearance was like lightning, and...
  6. Tiger Lily

    My Grandfather Passed today

    Dear Mark and your entire family, yes my prayers are with you. May your Grandfather rest in peace. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. May God's mercy, His peace, His presence of comfort and provision be with you and the all the family. Lynette and Willow send you...
  7. Tiger Lily

    Prayers for Lynette:

    Hello there you all...and again you are too wonderful for words to convey my heartfelt thanks for your kindness to Django and me. Your prayers, kind words and thoughts have helped carry me/us thru again. It has now been one week since the excavation thru my mouth and into my cheek to clear the...
  8. Tiger Lily

    In a bad accident tonight.

    M, So glad you're still with us. A very scary and helpless situation to ride thru, but your guardian angels did their job. Pray there are no lasting physical injuries...good luck with the insurance people: its all about the money. Hoping you'll enjoy this Christmas holiday with an extra...
  9. Tiger Lily

    Prayers for Lynette:

    Thank you Stefan, it is so kind of you to send your love. Hope you and your wife and precious baby are doing well also. FYI, my sister is married to a Swede, surname Hjelmstrom. Lovely man, in fact today they are celebrating their annual 'Swedish Christmas' with his family near Los Angeles...
  10. Tiger Lily

    Prayers for Lynette:

    Hi FJ, thanks for the well wishes, am better each day. As for the avatar, yes he is a local scalawag, I call him my cabana boy. He really has been wonderful help this week, bringing my ginger ale with the leetle umbrellas, ice packs on my pillow, double duty with Willow, take out orders and...
  11. Tiger Lily

    Prayers for Lynette:

    From Lynette From a grateful heart to a special group of generous people: Many, many thanks for your prayers on my behalf, your well wishes and your thoughts of remembrance as I faced sinus surgery on Wednesday. Also for your support and encouragement for Django whilst he endures my...