Srt 10 4 door


New Member
Jul 5, 2015
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I recently bought an 05 SRT 10 4 door I previously owned a single cab but cause of family got the four door and noticed that it shifts really quickly, is this normal? An it's alot faster when I bump shift is this safe for the transmission? Thanks trying to learn all I can.
Welcome jbsrt10 to vtcoa this is the best forum for our trucks. And I've never bump shift my truck but somebody on this forum im sure knows your answer till then enjoy the forum.
The automatic transmissions require regular maintenance. If you are not familiar with adjusting bands, take it to a reputable mechanic. Torrie can send you a tune that will adjust the torque management of the transmission.....possibly the easiest power gain you will have on your truck. If you start adding power, you will need to beef up your transmission.
Welcome to the VTCoA!
The automatic transmissions require regular maintenance. If you are not familiar with adjusting bands, take it to a reputable mechanic. Torrie can send you a tune that will adjust the torque management of the transmission.....possibly the easiest power gain you will have on your truck. If you start adding power, you will need to beef up your transmission.

I don't think he needs to add any more power... Hell, he's pulling a wheelie in his avatar!!!

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