2024 Post Ho Thread

So how is your FETCH app investment doing ?
It was doing really well and i used a 5.00 amazon card i earned. Then they emailed and said my OS won't be supported next month. Ugghh and it will be awhile before I get a new device with the later system on it
If it's not one fkn thing it's another!

Roseann Roseanna Danna 5E1AF215-EEC9-4A33-B8D3-5DF3D3018901.jpeg
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It was doing really well and i used a 5.00 amazon card i earned. Then they emailed and said my OS won't be supported next month. Ugghh and it will be awhile before I get a new device with the later system on it
Damn , I haven’t heard about that and hope mine is supported .. what OS isn’t supported?
Hahaha … now that’s a memory when the show was reall comedy and funny hahaha
Took a pic of these 2 vehicles .. pretty damn similar looking .. has Dodge turned into KIA hired the Jammin Gerbils hahaha !
Ewwwww!! The wheels are okay lol
Hahaha ,, that was the first thing I noticed . The look like the 10’s . No idea on the size but would be cool if they fit my Dakota . Only if they had 6 lugs though .. I have no idea why they call that a Jeep
That is not a jeep!! Lol lol that's an abomination
That is not a jeep!! Lol lol that's an abomination
Exactly what I said .. I had to do a triple take to see the make and saw Jeep on it think someone made a sleeper rocking Gerbil sleeper hahaha
Ok, I’ve done it now .. trained my cat to walk his Oldman on a leash hahaha ! Too bad we can’t post the vids !
That's great!! Never seen a cat walk on a leash before! Hahah!!
Huh ..you mean a cat walking a human on a leash hahaha !
She’s in training .. this is my 4th attempt to train her .. she’s is doing great with a twist though .. I have to carry her down the street to the end of the road about 1/4 mile when we leave the house ( she won’t walk )… at the end of the road I put her down to walk back to the house and she scoots right along . She even speeds up to cross the streets after looking both ways hahaha . She stops walking when a car drives down the road and starts walking after it passes hahaha ! She knows that she’s going back towards the house and Leeds me right home . Soon she can be a highly trained seeing eye cat hahaha .. The neighbors cant believe it and many have become amazed I’m walking my cat on a leash ..

I had given up on previous attempts.. But I decided this is the only way for her to go outside now … She was having her goofies time and was doing everything she could to get out of the house .. she ran by me 4 times out the door before I knew it .. And trying to actually ditch me around the neighbors houses and hide .. during that time there was a Black cat scoping the area and ai think they may have well take a guess . I’m not sure yet ! But she has completely lost all outside privileges without being on the leash with me ! If Boog is with little boogers I should know soon . I am not going to keep them and no idea how to find homes for them except asking neighbors .. 1 neighbor told me she would take one if it happens .. I’m allergic to animals .. Boog was born when a stray slipped into my back screen porch and had 5 kittens .. We found homes for 4 and the mother bolted and left Boog and disappeared.. Boog was the only one that mom cat would push away from the food as the most likely kitten not to survive is my guess .. Well Boog has proven mom cat ( the hussy ) wrong hahaha ! The only thing left is me to teach her to speak English hahaha ! She already understands many English words I say to her hahaha ! Like dinner , breakfast , treats , no dig , no bite .. it’s so funny she knows when she’s bad and will run and hide when she bites hahaha ! Personally she’s the only cat I’ve ever seen that seems to be very smart and not just a lazy lounge lizard and blind curiosity wandering cat.
Huh ..you mean a cat walking a human on a leash hahaha !
She’s in training .. this is my 4th attempt to train her .. she’s is doing great with a twist though .. I have to carry her down the street to the end of the road about 1/4 mile when we leave the house ( she won’t walk )… at the end of the road I put her down to walk back to the house and she scoots right along . She even speeds up to cross the streets after looking both ways hahaha . She stops walking when a car drives down the road and starts walking after it passes hahaha ! She knows that she’s going back towards the house and Leeds me right home . Soon she can be a highly trained seeing eye cat hahaha .. The neighbors cant believe it and many have become amazed I’m walking my cat on a leash ..

I had given up on previous attempts.. But I decided this is the only way for her to go outside now … She was having her goofies time and was doing everything she could to get out of the house .. she ran by me 4 times out the door before I knew it .. And trying to actually ditch me around the neighbors houses and hide .. during that time there was a Black cat scoping the area and ai think they may have well take a guess . I’m not sure yet ! But she has completely lost all outside privileges without being on the leash with me ! If Boog is with little boogers I should know soon . I am not going to keep them and no idea how to find homes for them except asking neighbors .. 1 neighbor told me she would take one if it happens .. I’m allergic to animals .. Boog was born when a stray slipped into my back screen porch and had 5 kittens .. We found homes for 4 and the mother bolted and left Boog and disappeared.. Boog was the only one that mom cat would push away from the food as the most likely kitten not to survive is my guess .. Well Boog has proven mom cat ( the hussy ) wrong hahaha ! The only thing left is me to teach her to speak English hahaha ! She already understands many English words I say to her hahaha ! Like dinner , breakfast , treats , no dig , no bite .. it’s so funny she knows when she’s bad and will run and hide when she bites hahaha ! Personally she’s the only cat I’ve ever seen that seems to be very smart and not just a lazy lounge lizard and blind curiosity wandering cat.
An amazing story. I hope she'd not with little boogs hahahaha but if so i bet your neighbors will help get them homes! Sure is a smart cat!
An amazing story. I hope she'd not with little boogs hahahaha but if so i bet your neighbors will help get them homes! Sure is a smart cat!
She might be thinking she wants to pass on her traits to the next generation of Boogers hahaha ! Very dangerous indeed they may own the world hahaha ,, like the planet of the apes
I bet #7 could fix the heart beat!! Lol the younguns just know that kind of stuff!

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