2025 Project Post Ho Thread

Haven’t seen @AMS3 post up in a while ,,,, wondering if your doing ok ?
What happened to our resident nut , bolt and hole cleaner and if he’s done any more on his trucks ?
Looks like the Bozo rocket launch was postponed again .. unknown when the next launch window is .. freaking news is never accurate ..
Looks like the Bozo rocket launch was postponed again .. unknown when the next launch window is .. freaking news is never accurate ..
The Bozo launch is perfect name! Hahah Bozos to the Moon!!
The Bozo launch is perfect name! Hahah Bozos to the Moon!!
I’m not sure he can do it .. carnival rides he’s give in low earth orbit have been a joke … and a publicity stunt .. Captain Kirk got a free ride hahaha beam me up Bozo.
What key board is your device using and what are your spell check settings set on ..
This has become a pain in the ass on my device .. spend more time fixing the damn posts than sending messages or posts ..
M’s and ,’s after almost every word i type , wrong letters that are not even on the same side of the keyboard , changes the words .. getting worse ..what else could be causing this crap
Old iPhone
English with QWERTY - all features off but these

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Testing 123 will it work ill see maybe its working now and have no idea if it continues especially with this run on sentence / paragraph but so far it appears to bemworking oooops the M popped in as you can see the m is on the lower opposite side of the keyboard .. well so far only 1 added letter no ,'s , it hasn't changed the words yet whichnis good ooops added the N .. strike 2 . Somfar better oops spoke to soon another M .. Well ill se how it goes for now going forward with post ho posts lol
Mine still does weird stuff too like autocorrect even though it's setting is off!!! Ticks me off
Mine still does weird stuff too like autocorrect even though it's setting is off!!! Ticks me off
2nd time replying on this post .lmthemforst try just disaapears
If I Type Real Slow It works Fine
Maybe if i post backwards it will post right lol i have a

I may have dyslexic key board​

It's speed impaired! Throttled back like the post ho thread!! Hahahaha

Maybe we need to send the the Silicon liberal spell check makers in search for a right hand spellcheck changer ..
Five more reaction points and you lead! Reaction Ho! Hahahaha!!!

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