Well only owned the SRT-10 for less than 24 hours and let it die with poor clutching. As I set on a back country road i tried to restart but it would not turn over. Here we go, I open the hood looking at relays, swapping from place to place. Still nothing. I start jiggling the keys turning ignition off and on, still nothing. I go under the dash jiggle the clutch switch still nothing. I call the dealer I bought it from they had no clue what to do. Miraculously it starts. The angels sang. But I am not sure what changed. I got home and parked it. The next day same issues all over. Looking in forums for similar issues. Found many things that could be the issue. The next morning same no start issues and then by chance I found the issue. I’m a tall guy and I push the clutch pedal to the floor it over traveled the clutch switch. I let up on the pedal and viola it starts. Is this normal or is something broken or in the process of breaking?