Now to get up to this hp the cost has risen quite a bit due to all the other crap we had to do to get to max power, its probably gonna be another 5k higher than we expected to get to this hp...
Starting to get a lil pricy for my blood, before you know it you have a 1000 here and an 1000 there and 1000 here and 1000 there and your in much deeper than you thought.. So I'm not sure on the total anymore but Id say add 5k to the previous price whatever that was to get it to this level..
But if you could get someone to produce some valve covers for ya that were not insanely expensive like the stockers, along with the intake " maybe a carbon fiber intake " there could be 3k off the top of the price.. Or if you provide all your own gen 4 components from a wrecked car or something would be ideal. Would be good if you could get the gen 4 trani as well.. which is designed to handle the large hp.. could save a lot of cash doin that... That is if you could find one..