My 2006 RC has been having a problem with the brakes, specifically with the "brake" light illuminating. I was having a problem with the parking brake not releasing fully, which caused the brake light to flash when the vehicle moved. My dealer replaced the brake switch and adjusted/lubed the parking brake release. Now, over the past 4 or so days, the brake light has been coming on while the vehicle is in motion, well after the parking brake has been released. When the light illuminates I hear two chimes from the dash.
The brakes themselves still grab and stop the vehicle as they always have. The ABS light does not illuminate only the brake light. I checked the master cylinder fluid and it was less than 1/4" below the max fill mark, so I topped it off with new DOT 3 fluid. I checked the wiring connector at the master cylinder and it was tight, no corrossion, etc. I checked the calipers and lines and could not find any leaks either.
My dealer's Viper tech I use is booked until Aug 3rd. I have an appointment scheduled for then but is there anything else I can check in the mean time? My concern is one time the light will come on and the brakes will actually be failed when I would need them to work...
The brakes themselves still grab and stop the vehicle as they always have. The ABS light does not illuminate only the brake light. I checked the master cylinder fluid and it was less than 1/4" below the max fill mark, so I topped it off with new DOT 3 fluid. I checked the wiring connector at the master cylinder and it was tight, no corrossion, etc. I checked the calipers and lines and could not find any leaks either.
My dealer's Viper tech I use is booked until Aug 3rd. I have an appointment scheduled for then but is there anything else I can check in the mean time? My concern is one time the light will come on and the brakes will actually be failed when I would need them to work...