Continued from 2007 ... GO DOW GO!!

After inauguration the wind be much for them to BS about since the new admin will start rockin and rollin with the new policies and no one will be guessing any more
Some analysts speculates Meta head to I think it was 835.. I bet it does at some point mid to late year .
Heck I’m hoping government contracts ith the cyber truck being bomb proof lol
Pretty soon Musk will be so rich he won't know what to do with all his extra hundreds of billions - he can colonize Mars in a year!
After inauguration the wind be much for them to BS about since the new admin will start rockin and rollin with the new policies and no one will be guessing any more
Not sure about after the inauguration and need to see what Executive redr come out in the first days .. those should be a tell tale … then when Powell either resigns or if possible removed s going to make a day on the markets , up down ,no idea .. but powells time so shorter .. I think 2 years left .
I think he’ll be the first Trillionaire
Pretty soon Musk will be so rich he won't know what to do with all his extra hundreds of billions - he can colonize Mars in a year!
I doubt he launches in a year to mars .. to damn much red tape .. but it will happen soon enough IMO
I was out and about today and didn't get to watch the market but i heard it did a submarine? What up?
I was out and about today and didn't get to watch the market but i heard it did a submarine? What up?
Yes another big pounding on the market .. Seems a new pandemic called the —— BIGS MANIPULATION BS virus has hit in the last month affecting hundreds of millions upon millions of damage to investors 401k’,,403B’s and everyone that has any investments since the last Fed rated decrease .. It begins with uncontrollable lower jaw mouth dropping and leads to a temperature rising , then uncontrollable bitching , babbling . At the higher stage of the virus massive WTH , WTF and massive uncontrollable cursing .. Panic sets in to most traders and investors that have not received the Vax. Those that by and add assets when other people panic will see a much faster in the future. The virus has become a tough and very persistent one with high possibilities of a recurrence until updated boosters vaxes become available. BEWARE IT CAN MAKE MANY GO ABSOLUTELY BONKERS !

Now on another note , Yesterday it was basically flat waiting on the usual Jobs report with a miss on jobs and unemployment that came out with a surprise Beat .. the only other news was the BS sentencing of Trump in NY in the case of the pig slut Stormy crap.
That’s when the market took a crap… since I’ve already chased it down adding to good positions I’m low on cash in the accounts. So buying more chasing down is pretty much on hold . The bottom again can’t be timed . Has it hit bottom , I just don’t know like every one else . Well after the fact out comes the story. The bigs have decided that due to the jobs report that being good and a surprise HEAT they decided to use the rate cuts BS manipulation saying that the fed won’t lower rates or do less rates going forward this year. Bigs total control and nothing done to stop them and make the markets fair for the little people investors . The SEC was formed to make a fair market for all investors large and small.. It’s past time to reconstruct or abolish the SEC if they can’t do their damn job .

It is a buy op IMO.. just wish I could predict the bottom and time it hahaha ! All in all I still beleive it will get going soon and all the small added shares will be a huge boost to the portfolios .. BUY LOW SELL HIGH ! LONGER TERM DECENT COMPANIES WITH DIVIDENDS .
That’s in a nut shell game .where’s the ball
Oh I see!! Thank you! I didn't know the BIGS VIRUS was spreading so fast!! :eek::p That does make perfect sense! They need a new VAX very soon!!

The way they manipulate isn't right that's for sure. It will get stabilized again soon I think me 20th will make a difference. We'll know soon.

Stormy the Pig! Hahahaha

Thanks for the low down
Oh I see!! Thank you! I didn't know the BIGS VIRUS was spreading so fast!! :eek::p That does make perfect sense! They need a new VAX very soon!!

The way they manipulate isn't right that's for sure. It will get stabilized again soon I think me 20th will make a difference. We'll know soon.

Stormy the Pig! Hahahaha

Thanks for the low down
I’m not counting on anything .. but will add as I get the cash , small div buys at lower prices to my positions and maybe starting more monthly div payout ETF’s and lowering my cost avg. while waiting for the bounce back/ recovery.
It’s a op I can’t refuse .. can’t do the Panic sickness like many are doing .. you don’t loose until you sell ..
Oh I see!! Thank you! I didn't know the BIGS VIRUS was spreading so fast!! :eek::p That does make perfect sense! They need a new VAX very soon!!

The way they manipulate isn't right that's for sure. It will get stabilized again soon I think me 20th will make a difference. We'll know soon.

Stormy the Pig! Hahahaha

Thanks for the low down
When all that began on the Stormy BS ,, I actually check out who the hell she was .. saw a vid . That’s one disgusting whore slut .. I guess I’m lucky I didn’t get a virus on my device lol
But seriously she is Stormy the pig !
The sec is going after Musk again over him buying Twitter .. only a few more days and the lefty truds will be tossed on their asskes and running away .. Gensler cant get out to son as the Sec guy
Past time the weaponized democrap commie agencies get shut down
Hedgseth should get the approval as the head of DOD and then the massive woke clean out should be instantly taken care of ..
My favorte will be the new DOJ .. as long as he gets the commies starting the first day ... hopefully Clinton is first , Obama ... there are so many to list its not funny .. They tried a full government Coup and treason in many peoples eyes .. RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA BS was the begining

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