Oil filter gasket fail!

Yellow venom

Boosted Venom
Supporting Member
Jul 28, 2007
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So last week I was driving down the street behind an older car and I could start to smell oil!! I Thaught that maybe the car infront of me was burning a little oil, so I'm not far from my house and the car infront turns off and I could still smell oil! I pull in my driveway, pop the hood and Yiiiiikes!!! :mad:Found out why I could smell oil!! It was covered pretty much from front to back with a nice mist of oil, I have been running :chain:K&N oil filters for years, the gasket let go and oil ran down the side of the filter and then the fan and belt spread the oil every where!!
Anyone else have any oil filter fails??:mad:
I never had it happen to me but that definitely sucks. I personally prefer the Mopar white Viper filters. I did run K&N oil filters on past cars and had no issues.
I run K&N oil filters on all of my machines.

I was thinking about trying a "Viper" oil filter next oil change
Yeah I've always ran K&N's for years with no issues ever!! This is first and last for me! The gasket didn't have a mark on it to be seen when I took it off, really strange!!! And was on there for about 1000 miles.
wasnt kn but had the issue quite a while ago what a pita to get all the oil cleaned out felt like about 10 gallons of spray on degrease to get it clean. mine was i took off an old oil filter and the seal stayed on the truck and didnt realize it and put a new filter on and needless to say oil sprayed from between the 2 seals so i feel your pain..
wasnt kn but had the issue quite a while ago what a pita to get all the oil cleaned out felt like about 10 gallons of spray on degrease to get it clean. mine was i took off an old oil filter and the seal stayed on the truck and didnt realize it and put a new filter on and needless to say oil sprayed from between the 2 seals so i feel your pain..

Double ringed it! That happens to everybody at least once, but you do it once and it never happens again because your paranoid so you double check to make sure the old filter gasket came off.
Double ringed it! That happens to everybody at least once, but you do it once and it never happens again because your paranoid so you double check to make sure the old filter gasket came off.

hahaha AAAAAGREEED!! In highschool i worked at jiffy lube and part of our closing inspection was to look at old filter to insure the gasket was in place still. Thats one thing that stuck with me
the same thing happened to me right at 1000 miles. i had oil all over the underside and inside the front passenger wheel. Not sure what brand was on it at the time, i had just bought it from the dealership and it was their pennzoil crap in there. I've switched to the viper/mopar oil filter. I've heard nothing but great things on here about them and so far so good!!

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