Parts for our trucks


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May 18, 2006
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I ran across this site that looks like a used parts source for the 1500 not specifically SRT10 but some can interchange

Maybe we could put parts sites we find or know of in one thread since parts are getting harder to source as the beasts are becoming vintage

And here are the manuals HemiLonestar put out there in a sticky thread .....

This place is a great place for parts:
Don Scharf Automotive
Poc: P.J Kohlman - Inside Sales
870 Hwy. 17 South
Eagle River, WI 54521
(p) 715 479 8597
Oh i didn't know i could do that I'll try

Nope I don't know how so I think a moderator (@HemiLonestar) will need to do it if one is so inclined to take their time :D
Was on vacation, got back yesterday. Cleaned up the extraneous posts leaving the links in place and made it a sticky.
This is great...for seems like every time I check with my local Dodge dealership about a certain part...sorry sir...but that item has been discontinued...but have bought from X2 Builders.
That’s a fact . You can find things online , Amazon , ebay , Walmart automotive for the Rams , with certain parts specific to the 10’s new are usually reproductions though ,, and a heck of a lot cheaper than factor dealer parts ..

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