Please Help - My Heart has Stopped Beating!?!?!


Well-Known Member
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May 18, 2006
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Not sure who has the powers to fix this for me, but in my Avatar the little "heart" used to beat!!! Now it only beats if you click on the Avatar. Probably a glitch in the i's and o's somewhere, but I sure like my heart much better when it beats!

Shaggy?????????? Anyone?????


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Looks like it’s beating to me Wifey ... How have you been ?
It only beats when you click on the Avatar? It doesn't beat when I look at it anyway (unless I click on it)

Besides my current "heart condition" I am really good and how are you doing???
It only beats when you click on the Avatar? It doesn't beat when I look at it anyway (unless I click on it)

Besides my current "heart condition" I am really good and how are you doing???
Still kicking , I think .. truck needs a few things .. maybe a trade for the garage queen ... :)

Hows the Yetti doing .. doesn’t seem like a lot of the old members are on here any longer .. Any one ever hear from them ... the sickness , silverback , prof , fstjack , fat jack , roz , black1 .
Where is Brat ,, calling Earl ..
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upload_2019-4-22_17-32-27.jpegfirst Panama gtg ... guess who the winners in the pic were !
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Back to my Heart Condition - Can anyone fix this? :)
It worked fine on V-Bulletin! o_O
Yetti still kicking! I guess those Old guys wore out early LOL LOL - Talked to the Sick one awhile back haven't heard from any others :( I keep having an overwhelming urge to sell the Queen I just cannot decide :confused:
Glad to here yetti is kicking ... the others seem to have come and gone .. maybe they still peek in once in a while to save their post ho status lol ...
I’ll settle your thoughts on selling the garage queen ... the answer is NO !
So Shaggy, can you make my heart beat again?????
I keep coming back to that same answer! It's not conducive for driving her where I live and it seems like a waste of beautiful muscle to have her just perching on her throne all day long! :confused: Guess I can always sell, but it would be hard to get another one in the great shape she is in. Thanks for your vote!
How many miles on it now ?
5,830 :eek: OMG it's becoming a high mileage ride :p :rolleyes:
Wow .. with that mileage I’ll have to take it off your hands ,,, how about 1 dollar per mile sale lol
Guess I'm not gonna get a heart beat outta Shaggy? He goes silent? I bet he is in Hawaii!!! :rolleyes: :cool:
With all the forums he has .. heck he probably landed the first space ship on mars and built a condominium
Yetti still kicking! I guess those Old guys wore out early LOL LOL - Talked to the Sick one awhile back haven't heard from any others :( I keep having an overwhelming urge to sell the Queen I just cannot decide :confused:
I was in the same situation as you, where I live now my truck was just not getting used enough. I worked hard at keeping it detailed, but it mostly just sat in the garage and age will take it's toll. These trucks need to be used and appreciated. I was lucky to find a buyer who understood why I kept it stock, and how hard it was for me to let it go. That being said, do I miss it? Every damn day.
I STRUGGLE WITH IT DAILY from both points of view! I figure since she is paid for it doesn't hurt to keep it and if I sell her and have regrets I will never get another Queen! Although if the right "trade" came along - she could get kicked off her ever lovin Throne- LOL :eek:
Barrett Jackson for top dollar bidding .... the low prices I see for the low number of trucks that still remain unmolested is insane ..

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