Btw: When you do pull the engine, there has been a lot of discussion lately where to
find the engine serial number that is stamped on the rear of the block. We all are
kind of curious where (which side) and the location of the stamp.
If you find any other numbers, that would be great to know those too...
Real clear pictures please...
Just in case the thought might cross your mind, here in the U.S. we sell Flex Tape.
For $4.99 its worth a shot. ~lol
.... but truly, I feel bad for you, especially since you're out of the country. Its hard
enough to find parts here.
Your a mad Man lol
I am not 100% sure, righthand side (the one with the steering wheel hahaha) by 2nd piston
Looks to be around the oil channel to the pump to the front of the sensors and the timing cover area ,,,, I’m still guessing .. post up when you know .
Nothing will be happening for quite some time. Have not even found a place to store it. Just abandoned outside with a cover over it in the railway depot. Just numb.
Nothing will be happening for quite some time. Have not even found a place to store it. Just abandoned outside with a cover over it in the railway depot. Just numb.
Were you not able to get your girl home to your garage after this happened??? Do you have towing service? How can we help???
Nothing will be happening for quite some time. Have not even found a place to store it. Just abandoned outside with a cover over it in the railway depot. Just numb.
Don’t blame you .. it stinks ..

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