You think your underpaid?!

Holy Shite!

I just want to know how they got the rotor wash to be so quiet. :confused:

I think they dubbed in the noise of him working. I have been under MANY rotor blades in my military career and it's so loud you can't hear yourself think usually.:dontknow:
That's a pretty crazy ass job, that's for sure. I know a guy that works power lines in Louisiana, just last month he got burnt pretty bad when a rookie working with them screwed up somehow. He'll be alright, but he's gonna have some scars on his face.
PG&E Practices that stuff on a site just outside my office. They run the guys up both on platforms and dangling from cables. When they practice emergency procedures, it looks like the ride of a lifetime for those guys.:rock:
That was fkn awesome.......... I'd need a double layer of Depends on.....

There is No Fkn Way, you are gettin me to do that. I would rather sky dive without the chute first!

NFW, that's all I have ot say about that. When I was at MCI we had some crews that literally hung from a helicopter to repair/inspect fiber optic cables that run on the top of those high voltage transmission lines. Then there was a team that did underwater reapirs, they took 3-4 guys with them to fight off sharks, since a lot of underwater fiber breaks were supposedly caused by shark bites....there are some folks that will do ANYTHING for money...
That guy must glow like a night light. My sphincter was all puckered up just watching that.
That was cool. I really liked the narative style of the video.

Prove to me it is safe in a training environment, and I would do it. Of course, I would want a LOT of money. :)
Amazing vid! I loved the commentary about Faraday's law, his steel suit, action potential, etc. until he straddled the wires, I wondered if the static electricity could discharge off a certain sensitive location.:D
SHEESH, here I thought my dealing with hundreds of volts and many amps of current on a normal Anthony work day was dangerous enough. Yeah that guy has a mean set of jewels. But he reminded me a little of myself. There's only three things I have ever been afraid of.... Speed, growing old and being a homo... Ever since I've come into this SRT world and found you ghey nutz, I've been in real trouble.
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Venom Power said:
Yeah that guy has a mean set of jewels. But he reminded me a little of myself. There's only three things I have ever been afraid of.... Speed, growing old and being a homo... Ever since I've come into this SRT world and found you ghey nutz, I've been in real trouble.
:D :D

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