2024 Post Ho Thread

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a rocket!!!!
I see the from my home several times a week … even sometimes twice in one day.. awesome how Space-X just keeps on rocketing
Are you using night vision ,,, Is that a deer , mouse , bear in the sites hahaha cool set up Jeff
Use when it’s dark out, I’m still looking out the windshield, but it’s nice when the night vision picks up an animal or human walking in the roadway
Use when it’s dark out, I’m still looking out the windshield, but it’s nice when the night vision picks up an animal or human walking in the roadway

would like to have that in either of my trucks … oh and Save the Animals.. The humans hint hint hahahaah :D
It is! Sorta creepy though putting all those little satellites up there - I guess we need them hahahaha :rolleyes:
Space-X send 20 satellites on every rocket launch .. he know has multi thousand. Space and continues as I type
Did my taxes and just need to verify if there correct and didn’t forget anything ,,, don’t owe anything and that works for me ! It was only mild stress :)
Did my taxes and just need to verify if there correct and didn’t forget anything ,,, don’t owe anything and that works for me ! It was only mild stress :)
Gettin it done!! No procrastinating - yaaaay lol
Gettin it done!! No procrastinating - yaaaay lol
I did them last night ;).. but didn’t send them yet in order to check over them this morning … and the 666 saga strikes again :eek:.. kicked my feet up on the table and kicked back in the computer chair .. OOOOOOOPS I fell asleep and when I woke up I had kicked over my drink righ on the laptop and all my tax documents :confused:… I immediately pulled the plug and flipped the laptop ove to try to drain out the seltzer water and let it sit all day to dry out …. Well my luck changed and when I started it ,, it boot on :) they are done but haven’t sent them in yet ! But the bad luck kicked into the mark and smashed it .. Damn , some idiot fed guy decided to claim that Powell might not do any interest rate cuts this year .. you think the guy is an idiot ? My bet is the market was manipulated and if that becomes reality be ready for a sad continuation of market mashings going forward ! Damn , damn , damn ,,,, where is the SEC ?
Good on computer!!! Bad on news. It's gonna be messed up until after November - my guess! I can't figure out what actually makes it move but sentiment seems to be a big factor o_O:confused: dunno!!
Robert Kiyosaki says were F'd ....hmmm
Good on computer!!! Bad on news. It's gonna be messed up until after November - my guess! I can't figure out what actually makes it move but sentiment seems to be a big factor o_O:confused: dunno!!
Yes and I’m about ready to submit it after checking over the filing .. zero pay and zero refund
I hope newest member TechAdmin
Is real! Maybe that's a good sign. Looks like the boss signed in n for a minute too :cool::cool::cool:
The more the merrier!
We beed a tech admin to fix the user privileges! I read a lot of old threads and posts and there are lots of issues people run into
Looks like TechAdmin is a real deal. Now to figure things out eeeeks
Still can't access classified - :confused: