Thank you sir I'm just sassin you brudda...c'mon now 1 day with me has gotta teach you how I am...:p :rock:
TREKER said:
My rig suspension is already f-d up.. Have to get that resolved first. Then talk to Boomer. And if you think I am ragging on you, :thefinger: :p ;) :D

You had the best lookin rig IMHO that day.
TREKER said:
You didn't see us in the south passage together. She expressed her true feelings for me. ;)

Why you stuck up, scruffy lookin, nerf herder...;) ;) ;) ;)

Empire Strikes Back... C'mon.. whudda U kiddin me?
Whose scruffy looking?
HOT RAM said:
Other ? the diesel truck ? he followed me all the way into Virginia

I got a few pics of Mikey taking pics,if I just could figure out all the wires and software discs to upload them.:mad:

Yeah that diesel.. i think i pulled on him more than i pulled on that damn focus! :D
maybe tony will get it sorted out soon :) Did the diesel try to race you?

Craig said:
Thank you sir I'm just sassin you brudda...c'mon now 1 day with me has gotta teach you how I am...:p :rock:

Yeah, a kind gentleman you are. What a bunch of whack jobs we have assemebled. Biggest assembly of social misfits that can be gathered. ;)

Serioulsy, I have been laughing all day thinking about how NYstev thought we had to do the sign of the cross leaving Riff's bosses house. He thought it was a church. Bwwaaahahahahah
Lol nice house though....but hey it was Pennsyltucky anyone could get confused out there!!! :dontknow: :burnout:
TREKER said:
Yeah, a kind gentleman you are. What a bunch of whack jobs we have assemebled. Biggest assembly of social misfits that can be gathered. ;)

Serioulsy, I have been laughing all day thinking about how NYstev thought we had to do the sign of the cross leaving Riff's bosses house. He thought it was a church. Bwwaaahahahahah

yeah, that house was pretty damn big... and well stocked too ;) :D

Sharpimage said:
HHAhahaahaha only you would be thinking about them after this gtg ;):D

Damn right.... ;) Actually Mikey kept talking about how they were digging you. HAHAHAAH


Clean your truck...:p
TREKER said:
Damn right.... ;) Actually Mikey kept talking about how they were digging you. HAHAHAAH


Clean your truck...:p

yeah that big bastage would point that out.. kinda funny i kept askin Tony(05RamSRTkid)
how he was gonna back out and they kept trying to talk to me about toyota trucks.. :confused:
W/E, they look like they partied hard.. specially with that damn 7000L bottle
of grey goose... :D
anyways, the truck is gonna get a wash tommorow.. gonna try my new spray on
wax :D thinking about buying some UNDER CARRAGE SPRAY too! :D :p

Sharpimage said:
yeah that big bastage would point that out.. kinda funny i kept askin Tony(05RamSRTkid)
how he was gonna back out and they kept trying to talk to me about toyota trucks.. :confused:
W/E, they look like they partied hard.. specially with that damn 7000L bottle
of grey goose... :D
anyways, the truck is gonna get a wash tommorow.. gonna try my new spray on
wax :D thinking about buying some UNDER CARRAGE SPRAY too! :D :p


I was into that Goose bottle quite a bit on Saturday. Been off the gym for 2 weeks with a back injury. Have to head back next week. Off the sauce and back to protein bars.

Your rig looked great and it was nice to see the caliper job in person. Thanks seriously for making the trip. You and Hot Ram should take a bow. Just not close to the pool boys. ;)
TREKER said:
I was into that Goose bottle quite a bit on Saturday. Been off the gym for 2 weeks with a back injury. Have to head back next week. Off the sauce and back to protein bars.

Your rig looked great and it was nice to see the caliper job in person. Thanks seriously for making the trip. You and Hot Ram should take a bow. Just not close to the pool boys. ;)

thanks for the comments on the calipers.. took alot of work to sand them down
and i'm just suprised i didn't mess up lol
Hhaha, yeah. i figure i'd make the trip.. probly couldn't make another for a good
year... :( whad you do to your back? make sure you gobble those protien bars up :D
i prefer the liquid stuff myself.. :)

Sharpimage said:
thanks for the comments on the calipers.. took alot of work to sand them down
and i'm just suprised i didn't mess up lol
Hhaha, yeah. i figure i'd make the trip.. probly couldn't make another for a good
year... :( whad you do to your back? make sure you gobble those protien bars up :D
i prefer the liquid stuff myself.. :)


No idea what I did.. Just woke up last Friday and could barely move. Better finally today. But leaving for NC on Weds so another week down. Prob best to not get reinjured anyway.

I get stomach aches from the shakes. The bars I eat an hour before the gym. Then with my diet, not carbs after 6pm. Been bad as of last few weeks with friends visiting and the summer here. Already lost 25lbs and 4 inches on the waist though. WNext week , back in gym and working out hard. usually 45 mins or cardio and an hour or so of weights.

Make sure you come to more GTG's bro. It was great having you there. I know its hard, but I think you realize its more than just the trucks.
TREKER said:
No idea what I did.. Just woke up last Friday and could barely move. Better finally today. But leaving for NC on Weds so another week down. Prob best to not get reinjured anyway.

I get stomach aches from the shakes. The bars I eat an hour before the gym. Then with my diet, not carbs after 6pm. Been bad as of last few weeks with friends visiting and the summer here. Already lost 25lbs and 4 inches on the waist though. WNext week , back in gym and working out hard. usually 45 mins or cardio and an hour or so of weights.

Make sure you come to more GTG's bro. It was great having you there. I know its hard, but I think you realize its more than just the trucks.

yeah, it's defintely something more than trucks.. well see man.. figure out my
classes and i can plan around that.. but my main focus is to get situated in college, friends, studying etc.. i got this "Stupid"-mikey forum to chat with you
guise :D
i actually plan on doing some over seas programs during my sophmore year..
preferablly aussy first than london..:rock: your kinda far from rochester aren't you?

Sharpimage said:
: your kinda far from rochester aren't you?


Yup about 4 hours I think.

That does not mean much to me though. Drove all the way to Charlotte NC a bunch of times and my friend lives in Manassas VA. Thats about 4.5 -5 hrs. I will be driving down in the fall.