The tune on an SRT-10 with an automatic is one of the most dramatic changes you can make to the performance of your SRT-10.

I picked up a whopping EIGHTY pounds-feet of torque (under peak).

You will not pickup that much power for that little money with any other mod(s).

You are in for a real treat if your truck hasn't been tuned yet.
No, it's not been tuned to my knowledge.
Thanks mate. Doing well 7 weeks tomorrow and I can walk up and down steps. Drive the truck, well I will be when the weather is fine. I go down the hill from our place and do a lap of the block and back up the hill. I do about 30 min on the exercise bike and then sleep
This is great news, Kiwi! Soon you'll be able to get back out there and play rugby...
Flying J? I believe that's on S.R. 207, right? The first exit on southbound I-95 coming into St. Augustine. I lived in St. Augustine for almost six years, beautiful area.
I wish we could come back and drive trucks again. That was a great life style and we made good money too. We saved enough money in a year to buy 80 acres of rolling limestone country at Marble Hill MO. Back at the end of 2007 that was $70k cash. We found some Mennonites that would build us a Log House. No more work visas for 2008 and that was it. We were in the realtors office umming and arring about we should buy it or wait til we came back. Good thing we didn't.
Thanks mate. Doing well 7 weeks tomorrow and I can walk up and down steps. Drive the truck, well I will be when the weather is fine. I go down the hill from our place and do a lap of the block and back up the hill. I do about 30 min on the exercise bike and then sleep
Great to hear that your healing is coming along smoothly. Cannot wait to see you back the 10's saddle terrorizing the monaro wannabes lol!!!!
I wish we could come back and drive trucks again. That was a great life style and we made good money too. We saved enough money in a year to buy 80 acres of rolling limestone country at Marble Hill MO. Back at the end of 2007 that was $70k cash. We found some Mennonites that would build us a Log House. No more work visas for 2008 and that was it. We were in the realtors office umming and arring about we should buy it or wait til we came back. Good thing we didn't.

How are things?,
Outlook on Life in General?

How are things?,
Outlook on Life in General?

Hi Ronnie, things are a little ho hum at the moment. I spend most of my day exercising and writing my memoirs. The weather is a bit drab. I go for walks when I can but I always end up in pain. I thought exercise was supposed to be fun and buzz with endorphins afterwards. I am one of the unlucky ones I don't get that. Just the pain and suffering. The progress has now slowed which is normal. I am at about 80%. The surgeon is real happy, the x-rays are good so I don't need to see him for a year. The nasty side effect of the operation is the healing stole my thigh muscles. They are completely wasted, like American's chicken legs. So the regaining of muscle is what it is all about.
My truck is doing what Wifeys truck does....nothing. Best news is we are having a 4th of July American car show in Timaru so I will have the truck polished up and we will be there. We will be as American as possible for the day. Use too much gas, eat too much junk food etc.
I have now been off work since the 7th April and starting to wonder why I should go back in August. Ahh yes money. I will have to go back.
We are getting snow on the ranges now, any wind we get has a winter chill to it. I can't play golf yet or work on the steam train. Maybe next month.
I hope things are going well in your world with summer arriving and the perma-frost retreating.

This crazy govt here will have us all forced into electric cars without any infrastructure to charge them. We are already short of power generation capacity and the govt is pissed that a coal fired power station has had to be put back into service. They are young idealists with no life experiences and no idea of consequences when they change a policy. I worry about the future of our trucks as I can see them being forced off the road with green policies and fuel tax hikes. They are talking a 30c per litre tax hike to persuade people out of their petrol cars.
Covid still keeps NZ in isolation. The govt roll out of the Pfizer vaccine is painfully slow with only 6% of population vaccinated. Well it is a Labour govt. They are made up of union hacks and school teachers. They want the most pay for doing the minimum amount of work. Yes that's right LAZY. The brightside of that is they will not achieve too much devastation in these 2 terms and we might be salvageable.
If you ask me the world has gone crazy. We have the younger generation saying they are going to clean up the world, yet these are the ones that can't even clean up their rooms. I don't understand how the young ones who are the biggest consumers, can jet set around the world for ten years bludging their way around. Not pay any taxes then arrive home and bleat about climate change or the state of the health system. They wake up one morning at 30 something with a low paying job because they are only just on the beginning of the career ladder and then complain because they can't afford a house. Go figure.
The amount of times they call for a redistribution of wealth is frightening. They can't understand why at 60 years old we have some money compared to them at 25 and yet never worked. They think they should have the same wealth as some one who has worked for 50 years. We even have young green MP's in parliament that spout that as well. That is just dangerous. We are also being Maori-ised every news item anything on tv or any media for that matter is having random Maori words jammed into every sentence. All govt dept have Maori names with no clue as to what they are. The media is pushing for New Zealand to be called Aotearoa. It won't be long and no we won't get a vote on that. The day that happens that is the day I stop working and will sit on my arse and stick my hand out.

Other than that I am fine. Nice to hear from you.

That was quite a post. I enjoyed it.
Many thoughts on many things.
Glad to hear you are on the mend and wish you a rapid as possible recovery.

I'm currently out in the mountains of Alberta with Black and Brown Bears (separate species because they are either black OR brown). And there are Grizzlies that will kill and eat the Black or Brown bears (they don't appear to have a preference).
There are ticks that carry nasty (permanent diseases) that drop out of the trees like vampire Ninjas.
Trying to live with mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds that are (literally) so numerous they leave a shadow on the ground. No talking in the wetlands without a net because you will inhale them and start to gag. Then there are wolverines, elk, moose and Cougars (four legged but arguably less dangerous than the 2 legged variety). And the things you don't see.
One of our safety guys parked between a horny male Elk and a provocative (???) female Elk during rutting season. He didn't find that even remotely acceptable and charged his F-150. Aluminum panels or not he hit it so hard onlookers claimed it unloaded the suspension on one side and lifted the tires. Then he really was pissed off when his rack got kinda tangled in what was left of the window, lift mechanism and wiring.
Serious critters here.
Yes, it is an adventure of sorts but the rewards outweigh the general perils. It keeps me on my toes. :)

The Covid fear mongering doesn't make the top 500 things to be concerned with. Divided camps for sure. I have buddies that claim I'm irresponsible toward the Covid 19 farce but it's my shell and if I don't look after it I have nowhere else to live.

Get the swelling down and it will offer some pain relief for your knees. It will take some time for sure as a chassis rebuild like that is a major.

Like Morgan Freeman said:

"If you want to stop "Racism", stop talking about it".

An incredible amount of whining going on these days. I'd much rather listen to the whine of supercharger.
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That was quite a post. I enjoyed it.
Many thoughts on many things.
Glad to hear you are on the mend and wish you a rapid as possible recovery.

I'm currently out in the mountains of Alberta with Black and Brown Bears (separate species because they are either black OR brown). Then there are ticks that carry nasty (permanent diseases) that drop out of the trees like vampire Ninjas.
Trying to live with mosquitoes the size of hummingbirds that are (literally) so numerous they leave a shadow on the ground. No talking in the wetlands without a net because you will inhale them and start to gag. Then there are wolverines, elk, moose and Cougars (four legged but arguably less dangerous than the 2 legged variety). And the things you don't see.
One of our safety guys parked between a horny male Elk and a provocative (???) female Elk during rutting season. He didn't find that even remotely acceptable and charged his F-150. Aluminum panels or not he hit it so hard onlookers claimed it unloaded the suspension on one side and lifted the tires. Then he really was pissed off when his rack got kinda tangled in what was left of the window, lift mechanism and wiring.
Serious critters here.
Nice scenery and fresh air. Dress for winter in the morning and the beach by afternoon.
Get the swelling down and it will offer some pain relief.

Like Morgan Freeman said

"If you want to stop "Racism", stop talking about it".

An incredible amount of whining going on these days. I'd much rather listen to the whine of supercharger.
I have been sitting at home too long. I think it might be cabin fever.
Yeah sometimes I forget that in most other places in the world the first thoughts of the day are survival. Here it's just what do you want to do today.
Sounds like you have some great adventures over there.
I prefer turbo's to superchargers. The whistle on a light pedal.
I have completed all my exercises for the day and now settling down to write.
Sometime this afternoon I will go for 2-3km walk and then tonight some gentle ex bike.
I am too busy I don't have time to go to work.
Keep up the good work my friend make sure you get your fair share of fossil fuels burnt.
Take care, Kent
I am out of action for awhile. I have become the $6 92 cent man 2 new knees. Titanium coated stainless steel knees with nolathane bushes courtesy of Stryker Here's hoping the knees are as good as the heads lol
Just doing doing some research to see who has the recommended lubricant. So far it seems the best I can find is Jim And Pete's

View attachment 64406 View attachment 64408
Dang, I got my right knee today, left knee 5 years ago
Just seen the new Ram TRX is available here in NZ for a mere $270k :eek::eek::eek:
I guess I won't be having one
190,000 US

A buddy bought one a few months back for 120,000 CDN or 97,000 US.

Seems like there is a "special" price on the NZ version.
And I thought all the criminals were sent to Australia!
Just goes to show.
I would have to check but they may have to convert to Right hand all good trucks are.:)
VERY competent off roader and reasonably fast considering their weight.
I have no doubt it's a beast in the dirt, I've seen some videos. There are two in my area from what a buddy told me, but I have to this date not seen them in person. I did however see the new Bronco, and I like it.
And I thought all the criminals were sent to Australia!
Just goes to show.
I would have to check but they may have to convert to Right hand all good trucks are.:)
LOL R/H. While in the Navy, we stopped in Perth. I met a lady and spent the week with her, and she let me drive once. I kept drifting into the CORRECT lane, and it made her nervous, LOL. Takes some getting used to, to be on the wrong side of the highway. By the way, hows those knees doing? Hopefully you're running around like a spring chicken.
Word of advise. Next time you try to extort money from the Mob, wear some thick kneepads, that way you won't get them damaged when they hit them with the bat...
LOL R/H. While in the Navy, we stopped in Perth. I met a lady and spent the week with her, and she let me drive once. I kept drifting into the CORRECT lane, and it made her nervous, LOL. Takes some getting used to, to be on the wrong side of the highway. By the way, hows those knees doing? Hopefully you're running around like a spring chicken.
Word of advise. Next time you try to extort money from the Mob, wear some thick kneepads, that way you won't get them damaged when they hit them with the bat...
Hahaha my knees were just plumb wore out. We still have to do a lot of walking etc here not like the US where you have drive through everything. That's why Americans have ended up with weeny chicken legs lol
Anyway enough BS
Hey how you enjoying the new tranny? Still sharp as?