Oil Pressure, what's normal?

Like eating leaded-paint chips, siphoning leaded gas (white lips), playing with blasting caps, throwing center-fire 22 shells at rock piles, rolling mercury around in your hands, etc.

If you don't experience this stuff, you haven't lived. However, if you continue to do any of them for an extended period of time, you will likely die.
Yes you become a McDonald's person...."For a limited time"
Ah yes, the Sri Lankan brand.

Once again, we have strayed off-topic a bit, BUT the original question has been answered.
I've tried that many times (the most recent at 2 am). No workie.
I need someone from Admin to reinstate my basic privileges as I may still be on some kind of shit-list. ;)
I see this thread has taken a turn (for the worse?) anyway, It's all good. Thanks for all the info, I do have a "Viper" filter, I'll make sure to only use them or a Wix..Don't want to repeat Ronnie's experiment..;)
WIX still makes a good filter. They make oil filters for the NAPA brand as well.

I've heard burst is up over 500 psi but I haven't tried it myself.

I have cut a few used ones open (messy) and the filtering material and quantity is good.
The 200 psi burst for WIX I was told by an engine builder at FCA is more than good enough for me.
They work and are widely available.
To answer the question. 10 psi per 1,000 rpm is the standard. Any more than that when the engine is warmed up will introduce parasitic losses and heat. The Mopar "Viper" filter is a myth. The OEM Mopar 090 filter works just fine in all conditions.

To answer the question. 10 psi per 1,000 rpm is the standard. Any more than that when the engine is warmed up will introduce parasitic losses and heat. The Mopar "Viper" filter is a myth. The OEM Mopar 090 filter works just fine in all conditions.

Most OEM filters are just made by someone else anyway. Just have a larger price tag. If you know who makes the OEM filter, you can buy theirs. If you are concerned about it.
If all car makers had their own filter factory, there would be no Wix, Fram, etc. No such thing as a special filter, they fit multiple vehicles. Look at the list of vehicles that fit each filter.
Otherwise 10 years after vehicle manufacture we would have no more filters. Not to mention the tooling cost etc. They would be $250 each or something ridiculous.
Most OEM filters are just made by someone else anyway. Just have a larger price tag. If you know who makes the OEM filter, you can buy theirs. If you are concerned about it.
If all car makers had their own filter factory, there would be no Wix, Fram, etc. No such thing as a special filter, they fit multiple vehicles. Look at the list of vehicles that fit each filter.
Otherwise 10 years after vehicle manufacture we would have no more filters. Not to mention the tooling cost etc. They would be $250 each or something ridiculous.

Never was concerned about it. I purchased my Moper 090 oil filter from wal-mart. Just a few bucks. ;)
No issues what so ever. Wix? Sure! use it if you like. FRAM!?! oh man....good luck on that! :eek:

Never was concerned about it. I purchased my Moper 090 oil filter from wal-mart. Just a few bucks. ;)
No issues what so ever. Wix? Sure! use it if you like. FRAM!?! oh man....good luck on that! :eek:

I wish we had Walmart here:(
I used to love that place. Still have shirts from 2007 $1 each. They get everyday use in summer. Still going strong
As for oil filters here...... Repco is an Aussie parts chain store $44 for a Ryco filter $146 for 10L oil and $226 for a Gates serpentine belt.
It ain't a cheap place to live.