Please welcome our newest Super Moderator!!


VTCoA Ring Leader
Supporting Member
Mar 28, 2012
Reaction score
Caveman, enjoy your shiny new banhammer. :D
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Congrats, I know you will do well
What is a super moderator? Still new to some of this so forgive me for asking.
If it's a good thing, congratulations Caveman
What is a super moderator? Still new to some of this so forgive me for asking.
If it's a good thing, congratulations Caveman

moderator is internet speak for babysitter, when the boys and girls get out of line we (attempt) to get them back in line. The ban hammer is the ability to give members a vacation, whether they want it or not. :D
brat also retired with Honors
Those are some big shoes to fill caveman, do a good job as I am sure you can.

Dan and Brat, you have done a great job and will be missed

Me too......

and no more worries
Caveman, how much does this pay???? Your not doing this for free are you? It's like babysitting Satan's children.
Caveman, how much does this pay???? Your not doing this for free are you? It's like babysitting Satan's children.

The joy of getting to ban people is pay enough. :D