Opinions Good and Bad on STS turbo kit?

Hey, is this the STS turbo owners thread? If so, I have a question:

I'm thinking about buying an STS system on eBay and it says that it comes with my choice of a complimentary reach-around or kiss on the cheek. So which should I go for? I'm kinda' leaning toward the reach-around. What do you guys think?

I'd get a look at whoever's giving the reach around hand's first. if they are calloused up i'd opt for the Kiss on the cheek:D
What if it's a calloused-up arthritic hand with nail fungus for the reach-around vs. a meth-mouthed toothless homeless dude for the kiss on the cheek?
What if it's a calloused-up arthritic hand with nail fungus for the reach-around vs. a meth-mouthed toothless homeless dude for the kiss on the cheek?

Damn, you sure he has a STS turbo for sale, he might just lonely, i'd inspect his turbo first to make sure its legit.:D
Its possible your just lonely and don't even care about the turbo as well, who am I to judge.:D
This thread is kinda painful and really I wasnt too sure that I wanted to get involved but my two cents is:

The other guys dont advertise something until it is complete. Once the job and results are in then they will post it. They have a thread dedicated to each job or product.

For example, Justin doesnt come on talking about how maybe he is going to do a job for someone. Instead he does the job and shows the after results. Then any questions or pricing can be answered. Scroll through Justins section and you will see good organization, one thread for the Procharger, another for coolant reservoirs, one for his fan, etc.

Honestly your "new items" or "heres what new today" threads are a gong show. Everyone needs to scroll through 50 pages of post whore bull shit to see or read about maybe a couple items that you have. You need to have dedicated threads for each product. Im to the point where I dont go into those threads anymore because of the unneccessary bs posts that have 'f' all to do with the thread was created for.

We keep hearing the "its a secret, or its almost done" and after hearing this multiple times people start to wonder if these projects are ever going to get done. Starting threads dedicated to a particular product and keeping the
threads organized for just that item would be very helpful.

I want you to succeed as well Tony, keep bring out new items for us. I havent bought anything from you in a while but I will be soon.

Well put Tyler! You have just read hundreds of our thoughts!!:rock::D
hey man, being kinda blunt, but I aint justin or anyone else for that matter, right now we have 7 trucks here, sorry I am on ly one guy, so what I post is what we are doing, if it irritates you that much, seriously dont look.
we are redoing the shifters, doing trans, tbs, eddies turbos, a couple supercharger builds, and two na builds, sorry but its just me and brandon, thats it that works on them, so if I post about this or that, well than thats how it is, sorry if you or anyone else really dont like the way i do things, but I aint a normal fella either:aetsch:

It was constructive critisim, I only posted to try and help you out. I understand you are a busy guy, thanks for that. You have a couple cool products that some day I would like to own.

But back to what I said earlier, if you were to simply have a habitual and simple way of posting threads and products it would actually make your life easier. Imagine having to answer questions about something, say a carbon fiber drive shaft for example, on only one thread. Wouldnt that be much easier? Then even the readers (us) could see all the answers to all the particular questions in one spot. I would think that you then wouldnt have to answer the same questions twice. Making this a win win situation for everyone, and you could even spend more time in the shop showing us what you are made of.

For the most part Tony I dont look at your compiled threads, but I did a couple days ago and I saw a couple cool things that I had no idea you were developing. So like I said, just trying to suggest a simple way to make it easier for everyone, especially you. ;)
It was constructive critisim, I only posted to try and help you out. I understand you are a busy guy, thanks for that. You have a couple cool products that some day I would like to own.

But back to what I said earlier, if you were to simply have a habitual and simple way of posting threads and products it would actually make your life easier. Imagine having to answer questions about something, say a carbon fiber drive shaft for example, on only one thread. Wouldnt that be much easier? Then even the readers (us) could see all the answers to all the particular questions in one spot. I would think that you then wouldnt have to answer the same questions twice. Making this a win win situation for everyone, and you could even spend more time in the shop showing us what you are made of.

For the most part Tony I dont look at your compiled threads, but I did a couple days ago and I saw a couple cool things that I had no idea you were developing. So like I said, just trying to suggest a simple way to make it easier for everyone, especially you. ;)

I really wish I could, 90% of the time my posting is either from the road, going to grab a part or get some thing or from under the hood, rarely during the day am I sittin at the puter, I take time like now eating something after calls have stopped to sit down and do a little, but man if some spent a day with me they may understand, ,srtdude has been by a couple times, and well he could probably shed light on it LOL, but basically I do this for fun, most will tell ya its not about the $$ or I would ask twice as much for stuff I do, or I woulda asked john today to pay , but told him I would catch him later
its more about the people, but maybe I should be more uhum professional? speak proper, get more technical, but honestly its not me, folks that hang around will tell ya that, if you call and want something and I think it will look like crap, I am gonna tell ya that looks like sh$t and dont do it, same with someone saying blah blah and calling me out , well I will most likely tell ya to piss off,
cant help it, its just the ol redneck ass in me, but we have a shitload of fun around here for sure:D
i want to at least say this, at the sake of being considered a "kool-aid drinker".

i have known tony for at least three years now. since the first time i ordered something, i knew that he was a person i could depend on.... i think it was a flywheel, if i remember right;)...

i've probably only spent a few thousand dollars with him, but then, i'm not in a position to do anything major at this point, so it's mostly been maintenance and a few performance parts.

from a business perspective... well... i don't know why he does what he's doing... he's too friendly and is too personal... and he'll admit it.

as a small business owner myself, i understand the aggravation of dealing with insurance, suppliers, dealers, neighbors, friends, books, new customers, repeat customers, the government, the state, and most importantly PEOPLE...

tony has never ONCE tried to sell me i didn't need, or upsell something better for the sake of the sale. however, he's several times let me know my options, but never tried to convince me of something that benefited him more than i... THAT is why i do business with him...

if i call and describe a problem we can talk about it, or troubleshoot, or if i'm under the truck and for some reason can't figure something out, and he has a few minutes, he's provided guidance... something a lot of people in general won't do...

in all honesty... his business practices are a little... different... and for someone who doesn't appear to NEED to do this, it's fun, and different, and he's personally bringing out product for the 10's...why? i think it's a love for something odd... i've met his machinist several times, i've seen the shop... even at 330am:D... and if he makes a few dollars on the way, then good for him...

if it weren't for a buncha post whore's on his threads;)

and let me make it clear: i'm not comparing him to justin, ronnie, dc perf., roe, torrie, etc. but he's close, and if justin were just down the street from me, things may have been different.... or if i lived in alberta... so this is only me talking about my personal experiences with a guy in NC who wants to make a go of something... nothing more, nothing less...
i want to at least say this, at the sake of being considered a "kool-aid drinker".

i have known tony for at least three years now. since the first time i ordered something, i knew that he was a person i could depend on.... i think it was a flywheel, if i remember right;)...

i've probably only spent a few thousand dollars with him, but then, i'm not in a position to do anything major at this point, so it's mostly been maintenance and a few performance parts.

from a business perspective... well... i don't know why he does what he's doing... he's too friendly and is too personal... and he'll admit it.

as a small business owner myself, i understand the aggravation of dealing with insurance, suppliers, dealers, neighbors, friends, books, new customers, repeat customers, the government, the state, and most importantly PEOPLE...

tony has never ONCE tried to sell me i didn't need, or upsell something better for the sake of the sale. however, he's several times let me know my options, but never tried to convince me of something that benefited him more than i... THAT is why i do business with him...

if i call and describe a problem we can talk about it, or troubleshoot, or if i'm under the truck and for some reason can't figure something out, and he has a few minutes, he's provided guidance... something a lot of people in general won't do...

in all honesty... his business practices are a little... different... and for someone who doesn't appear to NEED to do this, it's fun, and different, and he's personally bringing out product for the 10's...why? i think it's a love for something odd... i've met his machinist several times, i've seen the shop... even at 330am:D... and if he makes a few dollars on the way, then good for him...

if it weren't for a buncha post whore's on his threads;)

and let me make it clear: i'm not comparing him to justin, ronnie, dc perf., roe, torrie, etc. but he's close, and if justin were just down the street from me, things may have been different.... or if i lived in alberta... so this is only me talking about my personal experiences with a guy in NC who wants to make a go of something... nothing more, nothing less...


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