Mopar or NO Car !

Still driving mine here in RI, gonna be in the 50's for the next 7 days with a little rain. This is saving me some time and money on storage.
Drive mine 365 days a garage queens here.........gotta love snowless Fl :)
I drive mine year round too, including through Colorado winters. :D One of these days I'll post pictures or video of my truck off road, too.
Mine was in storage for 2 weeks, but I can't pass up an opportunity to race it one more time this year. Saturday morning it will be back out and making the trip to Maryland. :D
Famous last words! :D (almost as bad as, "hey yall, watch this!")

Wait, I do need one more try. To officially get myself a 12 second time slip!! :driver:
Not really, you checked the prices? These things ain't worth squat any more, might as well enjoy driving it....

Well you just don't know how to wait for the long term, anyone buying a vehicle looking for a short term gain is going broke fast. Look at what Hemi cars were worth in the late 70's, couldn't hardly give them away. I am talking 30-40 years down the road, if we can still get gas :D
Well you just don't know how to wait for the long term, anyone buying a vehicle looking for a short term gain is going broke fast. Look at what Hemi cars were worth in the late 70's, couldn't hardly give them away. I am talking 30-40 years down the road, if we can still get gas :D

30-40 years down the road my truck will probably be rusting in a field with a blown motor, but for now I'm gonna have fun
30-40 years from now you might not even be alive. In the mean time you are paying insurance and maintenance. Cars have always been a bad investment to me.
30-40 years from now you might not even be alive. In the mean time you are paying insurance and maintenance. Cars have always been a bad investment to me.

Never said I didn't drive it. I drive it evey summer, just a week end ride for fun trips to town and such. No different then collector cars that we don't dive much, mainly do to lack of time :mad:

Paying insurance on the truck to use once and a while bothers me a 1000 times less then the $1000's of dollars I pay in health insurace every year and NEVER use, their is a scam :mad:

If I am not around that long from now that is OK, I am sure my son will appreciate it.....:rock: