Full Access Member
Dec 23, 2012
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Shreveport. LA
WHELP they got me yesterday funny thing was I wasn't even bad just wrong place wrong time. I refused to blow I refused field sobriety test just didn't know what else or if any info people might have that'll help (BESIDES NOT DRINKING)
Next time don't say a word that is not refusing, it will take them at least 30 to get a judge and another 30 for a warrant then a trip to draw blood. By then you have a chance your BAC might go down or they screw something up processing wise and a good lawyer can get you off.I can't help you out after the fact, except get a really good lawyer.
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Watch what you post. Remember what you post will be available to anyone.
When i got mine, i was told that refusing the field breathalyzer/sobriety tests is looked upon as admission of guilt in the eyes of the court and makes it extremely difficult to get reduced/dismissed. I didn't refuse anything, blew almost twice the legal limit and peacefully went to the pokey. The only advice i got was from a friend of mine and was told to get an attorney and ride it out as long as i could. The reason for that was to ensure the arresting officer wouldn't show up for court. So thats what i did, fought it for 4 years and got it reduced to reckless driving. The 98mph in a 55mph zone that was wrote in the comments section of the ticket-although i wasnt charged with speeding-didnt help my case any either..
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Lawyer, lawyer, lawyer. If they specialize in this type of law, they know people that know people that will work a deal. When I lived in Denver I got one that they changed to driving with a damaged front windshield. No points or jail time, but it cost me lots of dollars. Be ready to empty your wallet. Good luck.
A friend at work got one too..ended up costing him $6K after all was said and done...lawyer, court cost, classes, insurance went up..etc. Good luck.
WHELP they got me yesterday funny thing was I wasn't even bad just wrong place wrong time. I refused to blow I refused field sobriety test just didn't know what else or if any info people might have that'll help (BESIDES NOT DRINKING)

Oh man, I feel for ya. In the late '70's I had 4 of these awful DWI's. :( My attorney (my cousin) got 3 dismissed but the left the other one on my record. He figured that might be a deterrent for me to stop drinking and driving. :dontknow: I Texas there is a good chance you will do hard time for the 2nd offence. You guessed it----just celebrated 30 years without a drop to drink. :rock: I figured if I needed something to change my circumstance in order to be happy and have a good time then I needed to change my circumstances. :rock:

Each state is different but usually a good (read high priced) lawyer, 1st offences can be negotiate to something lesser. "If ya can't do the time, don't do the crime." :D By the way, I quit when a 24 case of Coors was $4.50----look at al the money I have save to spend on my truck. :rock:

I do wish you good luck on this one and pray you will consider your wife, kids, job and life before you have another drink. :rock: Just saying.
I would suggest a few in here should be happy they did not kill somebody when they decided to drive while impaired by alcohol.

And I hope you are going to address your problems with alcohol. If anybody is drinking and driving (2014) trust me your are a alcoholic. 100%. Get help and save your self.
Here's a crazy idea...don't drink and drive. I was hit a drunk driver 3 years ago--my wife still has neck problems and I lost my built SRT10 in the wreck. Zero sympathy for anybody who gets a DWI/DUI and I think each one of you should be fined the max extent of the law. The legal limit is no secret nor is the amount of alcohol it takes to surpass it.
Here's a crazy idea...don't drink and drive. I was hit a drunk driver 3 years ago--my wife still has neck problems and I lost my built SRT10 in the wreck. Zero sympathy for anybody who gets a DWI/DUI and I think each one of you should be fined the max extent of the law. The legal limit is no secret nor is the amount of alcohol it takes to surpass it.

Maybe this is God's wake up call. :dontknow: Being sober this amount of time (30 years) I wonder how I could live with myself if I killed another person. Wife, my child, grandchildren or someone else. Only by the grace of God did I not kill another while I drove drunk, very drunk all those years.
Sorry to hear this Matt. Get a good lawyer and discuss the case with a few and see what they can offer.

Guys I don't think he's asking to be scorned, I believe he understands his situation and is asking for help. People that have been through this. Just sayin' :D
Pay you dues to society and help your self deal with your problem with alcohol.

Deal with it now or later. It is always better to have control so the sooner the better. Good Luck.
A good friend of mine blew a .32 several years back after slamming into a stopped car at a traffic light at 45mph in front of a city cop. No major injuries and after $11k and 3 years of probation he has a clear license. The trick was the lawyer getting the case continued until a judge who isn't as hard on drinking saw the case. that alone took 2 years. I'm sure you learned your lesson and are prolly very greatful nothing happened other than being pulled over. My friend however has not learned and the day his probation ended was tossing a beer can while driving coming up on a DUI check in his neigborhood. I don't drink so I really cant say it's easy so just quit drinking and driving but I can hope you try :D
A good friend of mine blew a .32 several years back after slamming into a stopped car at a traffic light at 45mph in front of a city cop. No major injuries and after $11k and 3 years of probation he has a clear license. The trick was the lawyer getting the case continued until a judge who isn't as hard on drinking saw the case. that alone took 2 years. I'm sure you learned your lesson and are prolly very greatful nothing happened other than being pulled over. My friend however has not learned and the day his probation ended was tossing a beer can while driving coming up on a DUI check in his neigborhood. I don't drink so I really cant say it's easy so just quit drinking and driving but I can hope you try :D

Ha ha, quit drinking 30 years ago, quit smoking 15 years ago but eating too much bad food is still haunting me. :dontknow::D
Sorry to hear this Matt. Get a good lawyer and discuss the case with a few and see what they can offer.

Guys I don't think he's asking to be scorned, I believe he understands his situation and is asking for help. People that have been through this. Just sayin' :D

Not meaning to chastise, just know that most, not all, but most DUI's do not change bad behavior. Most DUI's seem to become repeaters. Problem with getting the ticket "fixed" is no pain no gain. I kept drinking after my 1 conviction and it took God intervening with my bride to put the breaks on my horrid lifestyle. Only wish I had stopped sooner----or never started in the first place. Just not wanting our friend to beat the rap unless he reforms. Just saying----been there, done that.