Angry guy pegs lambo with a rock

I think we all would be pissed, but he really shouldn't be racing thru a neighborhood. :dontknow:
I think we all would be pissed, but he really shouldn't be racing thru a neighborhood. :dontknow:

ok , then call the cops , the guys in the Lambo got scared , if it was me in the car, his teeth would be laying on the floor next to him...:mad:
oh I totally agree it was handled all wrong. Not backing the guy up by any means. You just don't screw with another persons car
That's insane and can't believe dude drove away after that. I honestly can't imagine what I would do to that guy that threw the rock. Hell i would want to kill him if it was my truck much less a lambo that dude head of the neighborhood watch ? .... obviously the pedestrian has bigger stones than the Lambo driver !!
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lambo owner has more to lose than the guy on foot. Best thing he could do is drive away. Never know if the guy on foot has a gun, knife etc. Then if you hit the old man, you gotta worry about his family or friends coming after you. It's not worth it.
lambo owner has more to lose than the guy on foot. Best thing he could do is drive away. Never know if the guy on foot has a gun, knife etc. Then if you hit the old man, you gotta worry about his family or friends coming after you. It's not worth it.

That train of though is way to rational, I would've shot the guy
After he threw the rock (running) it looks like he had a hand on a gun & possibly pulled it on them. The video is a little small to see with my blind eyes. If the Lamborghini was street Raceing why is it his business to stop it? Call the cops! Everyone has a cell phone now a days.
That's the problem these days. Fewer people calling the cops & more people thinking they are the cops. Until they get their ass kicked. Two wrongs don't make a right.
That's the problem these days. Fewer people calling the cops & more people thinking they are the cops. Until they get their ass kicked. Two wrongs don't make a right.

I tend to disagree, I think it'd have been better if the two guys worked it out right then and there. Of course whoever got their ass kicked would probably sue the other guy in our over litigious society.
He (Lamborghini guy) should've stopped & took the boots to him, medium style!

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