Another VCA bites the dust


2015 Truck of the Year
Supporting Member
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
Some of you might have heard last night that my VCA is no more. I was in Lowes picking up some things and when I walked out there was some smoke coming from the engine. I called the fired department and ran back inside for a fire extinguisher. By the time I got back out there the truck was burring pretty good. Luckily I was parked away from other cars.

Some of you might have heard last night that my VCA is no more. I was in Lowes picking up some things and when I walked out there was some smoke coming from the engine. I called the fired department and ran back inside for a fire extinguisher. By the time I got back out there the truck was burring pretty good. Luckily I was parked away from other cars.

Yeah like someone poured gas atop the hood. I looked anyways hoping it wasn't true, lol
ahh ya shit:mad::mad::rofl:
lmao:rofl: Yea the first thing i did was look REAL close at the flames to see if they were real! didnt get me, HA!
Indeed it is April Fools. :D
She is home and safe. I figured someone on Facebook would have been like..... you posted the same pic without the flames last week.