Nice!!! I just got used to the red highlights now it's green hahah
Nice!!! I just got used to the red highlights now it's green hahah
The red links are still valid, that spreadsheet in my progress of what is done. Anything that is at 100% is Book Ready for the data, I just need to finish the first 5 pages where I talk about that Year and color
:cool:That's great progress Jeffey! Thank you for sharing
Worked on books that were already being sold to the new format. Guess these will be a 2nd Edition. Congrats to the few that have Signed 1st Editions
Worked on books that were already being sold to the new format. Guess these will be a 2nd Edition. Congrats to the few that have Signed 1st Editions
Yes congrats to the few!! Will be a very rare edition for the collectors of all things VIPER! :cool:
I didn't know there were white and yellow 05s!!! How did I not know this?

Be kind :p

unless those are CE and Yellow Fever? Which is how I would know them
I’m a bit confused on what the line items stand for … like , weren’t there 50 electric blues … and showing 49 all the way across stating 100% ?
Since the 100% column isn't green yet maybe they aren't all input yet?
Because it says 49 and there were 52 that would me my guess anyways
Since the 100% column isn't green yet maybe they aren't all input yet?
Because it says 49 and there were 52 that would me my guess anyways
Well that’s because I’ve spent more time around it. There are 52. VCAs, two crushed and the VINs I never found and why I don’t believe they’re hiding in Jay Leno’s garage. One of the 52, (I believe) started off Silver and was repaired as a prototype, I only know the 49 that are documented VCA. I could guess what vin is the 50th, but that!, would be a lie