End of an era

We all have to do what is right for us.
You have done a great job here,both as a member and as a moderator.:rock:
Been a privilege to know you and hope we get to sit down and share a drink one day :rock:
Well it looks like I scared all the staff away. :(

Not what I wanted, but they seem they all talked about it, Patrick, Bob, and Jack. So I am on my own now. Never thought I would be, but thanks guys for doing what you did here on VTCoA. I will not disappoint you on how this site is run. I hope to see you all here still posting away.

I also hope everyone here has liked the little things I have done so far, and hope that everyone has accepted me as person that is not here to ruin the site, but to make it even better then it is.
well there are almost 12000 members here so it will be a good forum no matter what,, it is the largest srt10viper truck site on the internet thats hard to bead... anyhow dig up some good guys to mod this place and youll be good to go...
Just want to let everyone here know that I've tendered my resignation as a moderator. It's nothing personal against Shaggy, I wanted to make that clear. I just think it's a good time for me to step aside and let the new guard have a crack at it.

I've enjoyed (and hated ;)) my time as a mod here. This doesn't necessarily mean that I won't be around here, but I don't expect to be around as much as a result of this decision. Thanks for all the good times and the friendships I've been able to forge.

Dude, not much to say other than you'll be missed...alot

well there are almost 12000 members here so it will be a good forum no matter what,, it is the largest srt10viper truck site on the internet thats hard to bead... anyhow dig up some good guys to mod this place and youll be good to go...

I guess it is time to look. :eek:
Well it looks like I scared all the staff away. :(

Not what I wanted, but they seem they all talked about it, Patrick, Bob, and Jack. So I am on my own now. Never thought I would be, but thanks guys for doing what you did here on VTCoA. I will not disappoint you on how this site is run. I hope to see you all here still posting away.

I also hope everyone here has liked the little things I have done so far, and hope that everyone has accepted me as person that is not here to ruin the site, but to make it even better then it is.

we could do a 100% scooby doo admin?
i'll take the job. :aetsch:
really i don't think there is much to admin. its not like we often get flooded or something like that.
Well it looks like I scared all the staff away. :(

Not what I wanted, but they seem they all talked about it, Patrick, Bob, and Jack. So I am on my own now. Never thought I would be, but thanks guys for doing what you did here on VTCoA. I will not disappoint you on how this site is run. I hope to see you all here still posting away.

I also hope everyone here has liked the little things I have done so far, and hope that everyone has accepted me as person that is not here to ruin the site, but to make it even better then it is.

I have been away for a while and am just grasping what has happened. I will probably figure it out but I am not fond of the way the active topics have been changed. I'm a dick though so dont worry about my opinion
Bob, sorry to see you leave your position. Much appreciate everything you have done here.
we could do a 100% scooby doo admin?
i'll take the job. :aetsch:
really i don't think there is much to admin. its not like we often get flooded or something like that.

Oh jeeze scoob.... you been into the good stuff lately :stoned:
we could do a 100% scooby doo admin?
i'll take the job. :aetsch:
really i don't think there is much to admin. its not like we often get flooded or something like that.

Thats like having the fox watch the hen house:D
Everyone needs a change from time to time. I feel OCBOB has been great as a mod and a greater member. This forum, although not too often, needs a mod though. All forums need someone to help decide whether the content in this site needs erasing or someone need repremanding. I would be more than happy to be a problem solver, ass hander, HNIC, whatever.;)
Well it looks like I scared all the staff away. :(

Not what I wanted, but they seem they all talked about it, Patrick, Bob, and Jack. So I am on my own now. Never thought I would be, but thanks guys for doing what you did here on VTCoA. I will not disappoint you on how this site is run. I hope to see you all here still posting away.

I also hope everyone here has liked the little things I have done so far, and hope that everyone has accepted me as person that is not here to ruin the site, but to make it even better then it is.

Your doing fine Shaggy, Consider it's just a cabniet change when a new President takes office....

Your still in the first 100 days
:confused:Geeze, a guy steps away for a several months (me) and suddenly there's major changes of epic proportions. When did this change of command occur? :dontknow:And why am I getting texts about some other forum? :mad:Why the heck does there need to be this much drama amongst grown men? Everyone talks about how great this site is due to the amount of members. But that's just a number. Not every counted member is active. This place isn't nearly like it was in its early days years ago. The more members signed on the worse it got, it HAD to be said. More attitudes and personalities to contend with. But that's just my opinion and I digress. Bob is why I'm here before logging off. Sorry to see you take a step down like this Bob. Your services contributed to VTCoA have been greatly appreciated (by most) and certainly will be missed.
:confused:Geeze, a guy steps away for a several months (me) and suddenly there's major changes of epic proportions. When did this change of command occur? :dontknow:And why am I getting texts about some other forum? :mad:Why the heck does there need to be this much drama amongst grown men? Everyone talks about how great this site is due to the amount of members. But that's just a number. Not every counted member is active. This place isn't nearly like it was in its early days years ago. The more members signed on the worse it got, it HAD to be said. More attitudes and personalities to contend with. But that's just my opinion and I digress. Bob is why I'm here before logging off. Sorry to see you take a step down like this Bob. Your services contributed to VTCoA have been greatly appreciated (by most) and certainly will be missed.

Hi Venom,

I first would like to set the record straight by saying...

Once Jack, then Bob decided to leave, I knew that it was time for me to go on my way. I have always has a passion for bringing the entire viper community (cars & trucks) together, especially since the purchase of the new viper (its not like I own a VW ((nothing wrong with a VW btw :D)). I let Shaggy know that at some point I will start a viper's forum, and it will NOT be a replacement of this forum, just a different goal-oriented forum; with different feel and ran differently.

Matter of fact , Shaggy asked politely if he could be part of this idea, and I respectfully declined because of my loyalty to Jack and Bob. So he is well aware that this forum was going to become...out of respect it was not a secret or hidden. Heck, even Shaggy is allowed to join (ok maybe not till he gets a car or a truck :D j/k)

I figure explaining this will allow you to better understand the situation and not jump to conclusions.

Out of respect, I wont post the forum address...

Hopefully this clears the air, thanks and bye.
Nicely put Patrick, the world is full of changes daily, things never stay the same, good luck in your venture good sir:rock:
Bob, thanks for all your hard work.....being a mod isn't all naked groupies and free drugs like some would think :D

You kept us in line, which is a tall order at times :rock: