2009 Economic stimulus ?'s......


Full Access Member
Jan 28, 2008
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Im not really up to date on how this stimulus package is actually going to fall into play and work...... Would someone like to break it down for me????:confused: :confused: :dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow: :eek: :eek:
It hasnt actually been passed yet but basically it might give $1K to those who qualify....all the details have not been worked out...you can read about it here..


In detail the govt taxes those who work and are successful....govt takes that and gives to those that dont pay taxes....govt gives part of the tax back to the hard working and successful...long as they arent to successful...govt takes rest of tax and blows it on other things......our grandchildren work hard to pay back...
I believe it's supposed to be $1K for those who filed their taxes jointly.. Making it $500.00 each and $500.00 for independants... Pretty much $500 per..... person.. is the main IDEA I'm trying to.. *sigh*.. to get across here..
15k tax credit and almost all the interest off a new car purchase. Hmmm that 09 6speed srt challenger....

The same or similar deal for first time home buyers.
The largest part of the economic stimulus is the infrastructure projects it's going to fund to generate work for contractors. I work for a public transit authority and we are preparing 380 million $$ worth of work to be bid on in the next two months. Contracts have to be awarded within 90 days, all projects have to be completed within 2 years.
There is a 15k tax credit for those who buy a new home...and there is also a benefit for those who buy a new car...couldn't find out the amount...

I'm looking for some kind of mortgage assistance to surface too...

Not many details flying around yet.
Prof said:
There is a 15k tax credit for those who buy a new home...and there is also a benefit for those who buy a new car...couldn't find out the amount...

I'm looking for some kind of mortgage assistance to surface too...

Not many details flying around yet.

I will be buying my first house here in a cpl months so im hoping that this goes thru, it would help me out a lot.
There was a move by the republicans to add in a mortgage plan that would refinance all existing loans at 4%, which on average would put $400.00 a month back into the pocked of existing home owners, instead the democrats choose to support animal husbandry and butterflies.

That was shot down yesterday, so screw us existing homeowners.
ccfeyh said:
There was a move by the republicans to add in a mortgage plan that would refinance all existing loans at 4%, which on average would put $400.00 a month back into the pocked of existing home owners, instead the democrats choose to support animal husbandry and butterflies.

That was shot down yesterday, so screw us existing homeowners.

That was an incredible offer...and I think it would have jump started the housing market. Everyone would have benefited...it would have opened the doors in a big way for a lot of people.

I still think there will be some mortgage action of some kind...
Prof said:
That was an incredible offer...and I think it would have jump started the housing market. Everyone would have benefited...it would have opened the doors in a big way for a lot of people.

I still think there will be some mortgage action of some kind...

Ideally they should rewrite all the mortgages to current market values then worry about the interest rates.
This would allow almost all to keep thier homes , otherwise forclousers will abound in increasing numbers.
People will walk from thier homes kowing they can get a similar home for less than half of thier current obligation. Just to many homes are sitting empty and are being aution off at great losses that the tax payer is geting the shaft for.
The $15,000 tax credit will only apply to first time buyers for thier principal residence. Not to families that have lost thier home or folks trying to keep thier homes.
jrangel said:
15k tax credit and almost all the interest off a new car purchase. Hmmm that 09 6speed srt challenger....

The same or similar deal for first time home buyers.

Looks like $1500 for new car purchase but no provision to BUY American. So sad.
GADodgetech said:
I cant buy 15 prostitutes and a keg with 500 bucks. Dammit, now I'll have to go with the generic brand.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

u can find a keg of Schlitz Malt Liquor but they only come in 40's and the 15 skanks u are looking for (hummm!!!!) might want to leave the srt at home for where u will need to be driving :D
First time buyers program was reduced to $8K when it came out of committee. Not real until Obama actually signs on the bottom. Overall this is a shameful legislation in my opinion.

I am stunned that any politician would vote for a bill that is impossible for them to have even read, especially one that has the potential to totally devastate this country financially. BinLaden and the Taliban should just lay low, the U.S. may be about to destroy itself.
I can now understand even more so why the Dem's are against the citizens having so-called "military" type weapons.

Chuck B said:
First time buyers program was reduced to $8K when it came out of committee. Not real until Obama actually signs on the bottom. Overall this is a shameful legislation in my opinion.

So you are the one person in the country that has read it?

How can you say that it is shameful? I guess what you mean is that you believe that the people who say that it is shameful are correct.

I have not read it and it may well be shameful...but how can we pass judgment based on the comments of a few politically motivated people?

I think the point that no one has read the bill is not all that strange...very few if any legislators ever read the full text of legislation. It is the same in every organization...how many CEO's of even small corporations even read the details of the loans they take out...the deals they agree to, the contracts they sign...most delegate parts to the appropriate staff people and get opinions from the trusted staff...

Any of you that have run decent sized organizations understand the role, it is not, I repeat not, to know every detail...it can't be done. You hire good people and trust their opinions.

The bill may be terrible but to agree with a opportunistic politician that sees a huge leadership void in the Republican party as he rails about 1100 pages of a bill...you need to get a grip...and view the situation for what it is...a political tactic to provide a basis for attacking if and when the bill fails to do everything that some hope it will do. Seriously not a bad tactic, but it is not an attack on the legislation, it is a posturing for future potential leverage.
Prof said:
So you are the one person in the country that has read it?

How can you say that it is shameful? I guess what you mean is that you believe that the people who say that it is shameful are correct.

I have not read it and it may well be shameful...but how can we pass judgment based on the comments of a few politically motivated people?

I think the point that no one has read the bill is not all that strange...very few if any legislators ever read the full text of legislation. It is the same in every organization...how many CEO's of even small corporations even read the details of the loans they take out...the deals they agree to, the contracts they sign...most delegate parts to the appropriate staff people and get opinions from the trusted staff...

Any of you that have run decent sized organizations understand the role, it is not, I repeat not, to know every detail...it can't be done. You hire good people and trust their opinions.

The bill may be terrible but to agree with a opportunistic politician that sees a huge leadership void in the Republican party as he rails about 1100 pages of a bill...you need to get a grip...and view the situation for what it is...a political tactic to provide a basis for attacking if and when the bill fails to do everything that some hope it will do. Seriously not a bad tactic, but it is not an attack on the legislation, it is a posturing for future potential leverage.

Maybe that is the problem.............the right hand does not know what the left is doing;) ;) :p :D :marchmellow: