3 Years Cancer Free

Congrats! I'm 16 years cancer free. Once I got over the fact that I really wasn't immortal after all, it has made me appreciate life like never before.
I am still holding steady at 5 lbs lost. I am also averaging about 50 miles a week on the bike. The milage is a mix of true road time (20 - 30 miles) with the balance on the trainer. Weather has and will remain a major factor over the winter. It is my plan to step up the milage and duration starting this weekend.

Big congrats on the clean bill of health. Is your truck currently for sale on ebay? There's one that looks an awful lot like it on there I saw the other day.
I sold my truck at the beginning of the year. Life changes and finances dictated the need. Last I saw it was listed by a dealer on E-bay.
I sold my truck at the beginning of the year. Life changes and finances dictated the need. Last I saw it was listed by a dealer on E-bay.

I came across it on ebay yesterday, and was wondering what the deal was. Glad you're doing alright!