A....m I having hallucinations?

Bad Moon :dontknow: ;)
devildog02 said:
50's 60's 70's 80's! Im thinking 20's 30's!:p thank you for your opinion!! i read your response, and all i can say is "WOW" so perfectly writen i could hardle read it! :dontknow: :D but i did get the point! and thank you!! i did not contact a mod. to delete, it just worked out! and as for the karen and i thing!! IM DOING ALL I CAN TO KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT!! ask her:D

I will explain that night. I was drinking...Bill was drinking...and we are both stubbern as mules...and we are both always right!!! :boxing:
Lets just say between him, me and my girlfriend that was over we drank over a case and a half of beer so the arguments we had were pointless and esculating. Obvously Bill was pissed at me when he posted which I don't blame him because I can be a bitch when my button gets pressed (but in my defense, Bill knows just how to push them at the wrong times :banghead: ) Anyway, I was also alittle anxious and touchy all night too because I knew what was to come after the three of us went to bed

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Devildog02's_Passenger said:
I will explain that night. I was drinking...Bill was drinking...and we are both stubbern as mules...and we are both always right!!! :boxing:
Lets just say between him, me and my girlfriend that was over we drank over a case and a half of beer so the arguments we had were pointless and esculating. Obvously Bill was pissed at me when he posted which I don't blame him because I can be a bitch when my button gets pressed (but in my defense, Bill knows just how to push them at the wrong times :banghead: ) Anyway, I was also alittle anxious and touchy all night too because I knew what was to come after the three of us went to bed
Glad it worked out for the two or three of you ............ :confused:
NICE!!! :D :D :D What was that particular item being burned?? :dontknow:
Wifey said:
NICE!!! :D :D :D What was that particular item being burned?? :dontknow:
it was a wooden basket, from the garage! it was old and kinda "cool" left over from the previous owners! it was neat!! now its gone! thanks babe!:p
Wifey said:
You did the last time you posted it ;) ;) :D I have a memory like an elephant :star: :star: Do you have SML?? :dontknow: :p
That's why you and I get along so well Denise you have the memory and I am hung like one :rock: :rock: :rock:
is that what a fart in a huricane looks like ----hahahahaha
Devildog02's_Passenger said:
Yeah Bill also wasn't too happy about our bonfire. After we ran out of wood I started burning things out of the garage.

Does anybody else see the face on the right side of the fire?:marchmellow: ....I hope the previous owners didn't mind that I burned that basket that was left here when I moved in...Both of the folks that owned this house prior to me moving in are deseaced :hmmmm:
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TheSickness said:
That's why you and I get along so well Denise you have the memory and I am hung like one :rock: :rock: :rock:

Oh put your trunk away big boy :p :p :p :rock:
Nice burn Karen .............. I see the face :eek: :D
Devildog02's_Passenger said:
Does anybody else see the face on the right side of the fire?:marchmellow: ....I hope the previous owners didn't mind that I burned that basket that was left here when I moved in...Both of the folks that owned this house prior to me moving in are deseaced :hmmmm:
I once saw the virgin mary appear to me in my Jello :dontknow: :confused:
Devildog02's_Passenger said:
anytime baby, I was just tryin to get a rise out of you:laugh:

That's what they all say to me!

Happy for you two, three, ahhhhhhhhhhh, whatever.

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