Adios friends

I'm done here. It was a great ride, but it's over for me. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email, phone and carrier pigeon depending where I am in the world.

So long.
Best of luck in future endeavours...
I'm done here. It was a great ride, but it's over for me. You can find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email, phone and carrier pigeon depending where I am in the world.

Well wherever you go, Happy Birthday Andy!!!!!! :rock: :rock: :D :p :rock:
lol is it twisted that only 2 of us liked his ( leaving this place post? )

look at our member numbers - twisted back then was a requirement :D LOL :dontknow: :rock:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANDY!!!!! :girl: :girl: :girl: :rock:
I leave for a min and that high school cafeteria crap is going on. Fly your dumb a$$ back in. There are some cool videos that will be getting made soon. Stay tuned.

Yah, what he said :D