Anyone Know The Answer To This QUESTION?

I give you credit for making an attempt to actually post and not bash obama, demagog? Nice. It was worth a shot, though. You tried and you did what? FAIL

Well played though, I like your style. This makes a couple of times I've fired a shot across your bow and you have had no real rebuttal but yet you keep plugging along. Also to your credit you won't actually directly say anything to me, so it's been rather civil, albiet with some rather snide-ish remarks but that may just be the anoninimity of the internet.

You ever going to explain that one about Obama wanting to take my truck away, or was that just a heat of the moment nothing left to fall back on kind of thing?
wo1sjb said:
I give you credit for making an attempt to actually post and not bash obama, demagog? Nice. It was worth a shot, though. You tried and you did what? FAIL

Well played though, I like your style. This makes a couple of times I've fired a shot across your bow and you have had no real rebuttal but yet you keep plugging along. Also to your credit you won't actually directly say anything to me, so it's been rather civil, albiet with some rather snide-ish remarks but that may just be the anoninimity of the internet.

You ever going to explain that one about Obama wanting to take my truck away, or was that just a heat of the moment nothing left to fall back on kind of thing?

Who are you speaking about? If it's me, I didn't say anything about Obama wanting to take your truck.
Also if your post was directed at me, I posted for the first time in my life just a few months ago when I joined this club(old fart), but figured out fast that it is very easy to misunderstand someone when communicating in this fashion.
The reason I do not bristle if it appears that someone has insulted me is that I realize it would be pointless and that the person doesn't know me or they would not have insulted me. As far as anoninimity of the internet, I don't hide behind this computer and would meet face to face any time for debate or whatever else. Also when you refer to the catigory of demagoguery, that was not meant as a snide remark, but fact. I checked my dictionary and it gives the definition as a leader who gains power by means of appeals to the emotions(CHANGE!) and prejudices(THOSE EVIL BUSINESS OWNERS AND RICH PEOPLE!!) of a populace. If Obama doesn't fit that definition to a T i'll pay for you a new ROE TMTS or whatever. JOHN T. HARGRAVES

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supercar1of1 said:

Who are you speaking about? If it's me, I didn't say anything about Obama wanting to take your truck.
Also if your post was directed at me, I posted for the first time in my life just a few months ago when I joined this club(old fart), but figured out fast that it is very easy to misunderstand someone when communicating in this fashion.
The reason I do not bristle if it appears that someone has insulted me is that I realize it would be pointless and that the person doesn't know me or they would not have insulted me. As far as anoninimity of the internet, I don't hide behind this computer and would meet face to face any time for debate or whatever else. Also when you refer to the catigory of demagoguery, that was not meant as a snide remark, but fact. I checked my dictionary and it gives the definition as a leader who gains power by means of appeals to the emotions(CHANGE!) and prejudices(THOSE EVIL BUSINESS OWNERS AND RICH PEOPLE!!) of a populace. If Obama doesn't fit that definition to a T i'll pay for you a new ROE TMTS or whatever. JOHN T. HARGRAVES

Have you had your Metamucil today John hahahahaha :D
TheSickness said:
Fiber is good for you....Still take the 1 a day with extra Iron for those heavy days :p

Politics and bowel movements. Good to see we haven't strayed off topic... :rock:

Editor, Times-Dispatch:

Beware Charismatic Men Who Preach 'Change'

Each year I get to celebrate Independence Day twice. On June 30 I celebrate my independence day, and on July 4 I celebrate America 's. This year is special, because it marks the 40th anniversary of my independence.
On June 30, 1968, I escaped Communist Cuba and a few months later I was in the United Sates to stay. That I happened to arrive in Richmond on Thanksgiving Day is just part of the story, but I digress.
I've thought a lot about the anniversary this year. The election-year rhetoric has made me think a lot about Cuba and what transpired there. In the late 1950s, most Cubans thought Cuba needed a change, and they were right. So when a young leader came along, every Cuban was at least receptive.
When the young leader spoke eloquently and passionately and denounced the old system, the press fell in love with him. They never questioned who his friends were or what he really believed in. When he said he would help the farmers and the poor and bring free medical care and education to all, everyone followed. When he said he would bring justice and equality to all, everyone said 'Praise the Lord.' And when the young leader said, 'I will be for change and I'll bring you change,' everyone yelled, 'Viva Fidel!'
But nobody asked about the change, so by the time the executioner's guns went silent, the people's guns had been taken away. By the time everyone was equal, they were equally poor, hungry, and oppressed. By the time everyone received their free education, it was worth nothing. By the time the press noticed, it was too late, because they were now working for him. By the time the change was finally implemented, Cuba had been knocked down a couple of notches to Third-World status. By the time the change was over more than a million people had taken to boats, rafts, and inner tubes. You can call those who made it ashore anywhere else in the world the most fortunate Cubans. And now I'm back to the beginning of my story.
Luckily, we would never fall in America for a young leader who promised change without asking, what change? How will you carry it out? What will it cost America ?
Would we?

Manuel Alvarez Jr.

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It isn't Obama's lack of experience that bothers me, in fact that may be a plus. The newer a politician is, the more likely that they still believe they can do good for the people, and not just themselves and their lobbyist groupies.

What bothers me is that he seems to be very naive. His stance on energy is the most glaring example of that. He has no plan, other than the miracle of alternative energy technologies, that don't yet exist or are not ready for prime time. I agree completely that we need to develop these technologies, but in the meantime, how about we drill here, build some safe nuclear plants, and work on clean coal technologies? Makes sense to me.

Oh, and we don't need to hear anything more from you John, it's getting old and you're getting on my nerves.

bwahahahahahahaha, just trying to raise your blood pressure buddy LOL, didn't mean it heheheheheheh.
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Don't know how much of this is true, but you asked.

What has Barack Obama ever accomplished?

"Some Say" that those who support Obama do so without a clue, and do so because of a "Svengali" effect his has on his "cult".

I say that it is unfortunate, in this age of the Internet, that folks aren’t able to inform themselves, yet are able to post on a Political blog to have a say.

I have done my research on Sen. Obama, and so have many of the others who support him. Maybe that is why he is attracting the most educated progressives in this nation; maybe it is because they do their homework, and do not rely on name recognition to determine whom to vote for.

So to inform you, please note the following articles that sum up some of what Barack has “done” in his last 11 years in public office. Considering that Obama may be the Democratic Nominee, I believe that it is important for you, as a public voice, to be informed:

His bold legislative work on the Illinois Death Penalty, and how he made a difference between life and death: /

His sponsorship of a bill that brought health insurance to 150,000, including 70,000 uninsured Children, again, during his time serving in the Illinois Statehouse:

His work on both the Immigration bill during his time in the US senate and his sponsorship of Ethics legislation (something he did both while in the State House, and in the Senate) that called for some of the most impactful reform regarding lobbyists since Watergate (as he likes to term it):

Here’s a chart of many of his accomplishments during his 8 years in the Illinois state house -

and his sponsored and co sponsored Bills in the U.S. Senate.......which include worthwhile bills dealing with a wide range of issues, from Election reform bills to the Cooperative Proliferation Detection reduction Act (w/t Sen. Lugar) to Internet database transparency Act. / / / (Select Obama’s name from the Senator drop down)

This does not lists all of his accomplishments, nor does it deals with his accomplishments prior to entering elected office.

Bottomline, it is Hillary’s accomplishments since her Senate tenure that are not clear. She’s been there longer than Barack, and still has done underwhelming little compared to Obama’s accomplishments in less years.

In addition, if the way Hillary has ran her campaign, without a Plan B, is any indication of how she will run our White House, I say, I’ll pass. Obama has shown that he can produce results under enormous odds (see his campaign and what it accomplished), and that in itself speaks more to who will truly be “ready from day one”.

And another site says:

Highlights of Obama's Strong Record of Accomplishment in the U.S. and Illinois Senate

- The Obama/Feingold bill. Obama Was A Key Player In Assembling And Passing The 2007 Ethics Reform Law, Which Curbed The Influence Of Lobbyists And Was Described As The "Most Sweeping Since Watergate."

- In 2006, Obama was an original cosponsor of a bill to create a "Google-like" database of information on federal spending. So Americans can see where their money goes. He got it passed. The database is here.

- Obama Passed Into Law Legislation Requiring Lobbyists To Disclose Their Bundling Activity, Making Him Unpopular Even Among Other Democrats. Obama sponsored an amendment to require lobbyists to disclose the candidates, leadership PACs, or political parties for whom they collect or arrange contributions, and the aggregate amount of the contributions collected or arranged. Obama's amendment was passed by unanimous consent and attached to the Senate ethics bill, which was signed into law on September 15, 2007.

- Obama Passed Illinois Campaign Finance Reform, "Heralded As the Most Sweeping Good-Government Legislation in Decades." In 1998, Obama passed the Illinois Gift Ban that prohibited legislators, state officers and employees, and judges from soliciting or receiving gifts from a person or entity with interests affected by government.

- Obama Passed Law Requiring Comprehensive Nuclear Threat Reduction Strategy To Secure Weapons And Usable Nuclear Material. Senator Obama worked with Republican Senator Hagel on this law. The Obama-Hagel provision is aimed at preventing nuclear terrorism.

- Obama Passed Legislation To Keep Weapons Of Mass Destruction Out Of The Hands Of Terrorists. In 2006, Obama was an original co-sponsor of legislation to expand U.S. cooperation to destroy conventional weapons. It also expands the State Department's ability to detect and interdict weapons and materials of mass destruction. The legislation was included in an appropriations bill that was later signed into law by the president.

- Obama Passed Law to Promote Relief, Security, and Democracy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

- Obama Passed Bipartisan Legislation That Expanded Health Care Coverage To 154,000 Residents, Including 70,000 Children. In 2004, Obama sponsored and helped pass legislation that expanded and made permanent Illinois' KidCare program so that all children in Illinois have healthcare.

- Obama Passed A Bill To Create Hospital Report Cards To Assist Consumers; The Bill Was Sponsored By Members Of Both Parties. Obama was the chief sponsor of Hospital Report Card Act.

- Obama Passed An Amendment Into Law That Pressured The EPA to Comply With New Lead-Paint Regulations After Seven Years of Delay. In 2005, Obama passed an amendment, which became law, to the FY 2006 Department of Interior Appropriations Act prohibiting the use of funds in the bill to delay or contravene implementation of an existing but unmet statutory requirement passed by Congress in 1992 that the EPA rewrite regulations on dispersal of lead paint by home remodeling contractors by October 1996. This law protects children!

- Obama Passed A Law Requiring The Defense Secretary To Report On The Pentagon's Efforts To Prepare For Military And Civilian Personnel For A Possible Influenza Outbreak.

- Obama Passed Legislation Providing $25 Million In Funding For Avian Flu Research And Containment Efforts. Obama's amendment called for a stockpile of antiviral drugs and necessary medical supplies to combat and contain an outbreak.

- Obama Passed Health Care Justice Act. In 2004, Obama was chief sponsor of bill creating the Health Care Justice Act, providing that the State of Illinois shall implement a health care access plan that provides uniform benefits for all Illinois residents.

- Obama Passed Legislation Creating A Tax Credit For The Installation Of E-85 Fuel Pumps. Under Obama's legislation, gas stations would get a tax credit to install equipment accommodating E-85 - an ethanol-based fuel alternative that its promoters say is up to 50 cents cheaper per gallon than unleaded gasoline.

- Obama Passed An Amendment Into Law To Fund Research For Hybrid/Flex Fuel Vehicles.

- Obama Passed Into Law An Amendment Establishing A Grant Program To Support Summer Curricula That Emphasize Math And Problem Solving. In 2007, Obama sponsored an amendment, which became law, to the America Competes Act that established a competitive state grant program to support summer learning opportunities with curricula that emphasize mathematics and problem solving.

- Obama Passed An Amendment, Which Became Law, Preventing The VA From Conducting A Review Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Cases Aimed At Reducing Benefits.

- Obama Passed Legislation, Which Became Law, Improving And Increasing Services For Homeless Veterans. Obama's SAVE Act and Homes for Heroes Act.

- Obama Passed Legislation Extending Tax Credits For Military Families By Allowing Service Members Deployed In War Zones To Apply Non-Taxable Combat Pay To The EITC.

- Obama Passed An Amendment, Which Became Law, To Require The VA To Conduct A Campaign To Inform Disabled Vets Of Disparities In Compensation And Explaining Their Rights To Seek Review.

- Obama Passed Death Penalty Overhaul Package. Obama was the chief co-sponsor of the Capital Punishment Reform Study Committee Act, which would let judges rule out a death sentence for someone convicted solely on the testimony of a jailhouse informant, accomplice or single witness.

- Obama Passed Law To Require Videotaped Interrogations In Capital Cases. This law helps prosecutors prove that confessions were not coerced.

- Obama Passed Law Creating $100 Million Earned Income Tax Credit, Formed A Political Alliance Of Republicans And Democrats To Pass The EITC. Obama sponsored and passed a bill that amended the Illinois Income Tax Act to create the earned income tax credit.

- Obama Passed Law Creating The Illinois Temporary Assistance For Needy Families Program. Obama was a chief co-sponsor of the bill, which created flexibility for victims of domestic violence, set a five-year limit for receiving public assistance, banned anyone convicted of a serious drug-related Class X or Class 1 felony from ever receiving assistance, required that all recipients develop a personal plan for self-sufficiency, and listing the steps they will take to move from welfare to work.

- Obama Passed A Bill Requiring Advance Notice Of Mass Layoff And Plant Closings. Obama was the chief sponsor of the bill requiring employers to give 60 days advance notice of mass layoffs or plant closings to state officials to ensure timely unemployment assistance for workers.

- Obama Passed Whistle-Blower Protection Law. Obama was the chief co-sponsor of the bill, which prevents employers from prohibiting an employee from disclosing information to a government or law enforcement agency if the employee has reasonable cause to believe that the information discloses a violation of State or federal law.

- Obama Sponsored Law To Protect Overtime Pay To Counter Bush Restrictions. Obama was the chief sponsor of a new law that exempted Illinois from the new federal overtime rules and protected overtime pay for thousands of our state's workers.

- Obama Passed Legislation Prohibiting the Department of Homeland Security From Entering Into Open-Ended, No-Bid Contracts For Emergency Response Activities. Senator Obama worked with Republican Senator Coburn on this legislation, which will stop the abuse of no-bid contracting in the aftermath of a disaster.

- Obama Passed An Amendment Into Law Creating A National Family Locator System. In 2006, Obama passed an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2007 Homeland Security Appropriations Act that required the Department of Homeland Security to create a centralized family locator system through which family members can contact their lost loved ones during disasters. The amendment, which was signed into law as part of the final version of the bill, was based on legislation Obama introduced immediately after Hurricane Katrina.

For even more information, check out:
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Prof said:
Don't know how much of this is true, but you asked.

What has Barack Obama ever accomplished?

"Some Say" that those who support Obama do so without a clue, and do so because of a "Svengali" effect his has on his "cult".

I say that it is unfortunate, in this age of the Internet, that folks aren’t able to inform themselves, yet are able to post on a Political blog to have a say.

I have done my research on Sen. Obama, and so have many of the others who support him. Maybe that is why he is attracting the most educated progressives in this nation; maybe it is because they do their homework, and do not rely on name recognition to determine whom to vote for.

So to inform you, please note the following articles that sum up some of what Barack has “done†in his last 11 years in public office. Considering that Obama may be the Democratic Nominee, I believe that it is important for you, as a public voice, to be informed:

His bold legislative work on the Illinois Death Penalty, and how he made a difference between life and death: /

His sponsorship of a bill that brought health insurance to 150,000, including 70,000 uninsured Children, again, during his time serving in the Illinois Statehouse:

His work on both the Immigration bill during his time in the US senate and his sponsorship of Ethics legislation (something he did both while in the State House, and in the Senate) that called for some of the most impactful reform regarding lobbyists since Watergate (as he likes to term it):

Here’s a chart of many of his accomplishments during his 8 years in the Illinois state house -

and his sponsored and co sponsored Bills in the U.S. Senate.......which include worthwhile bills dealing with a wide range of issues, from Election reform bills to the Cooperative Proliferation Detection reduction Act (w/t Sen. Lugar) to Internet database transparency Act. / / / (Select Obama’s name from the Senator drop down)

This does not lists all of his accomplishments, nor does it deals with his accomplishments prior to entering elected office.

Bottomline, it is Hillary’s accomplishments since her Senate tenure that are not clear. She’s been there longer than Barack, and still has done underwhelming little compared to Obama’s accomplishments in less years.

In addition, if the way Hillary has ran her campaign, without a Plan B, is any indication of how she will run our White House, I say, I’ll pass. Obama has shown that he can produce results under enormous odds (see his campaign and what it accomplished), and that in itself speaks more to who will truly be “ready from day oneâ€.

And another site says:

Highlights of Obama's Strong Record of Accomplishment in the U.S. and Illinois Senate

- The Obama/Feingold bill. Obama Was A Key Player In Assembling And Passing The 2007 Ethics Reform Law, Which Curbed The Influence Of Lobbyists And Was Described As The "Most Sweeping Since Watergate."

- In 2006, Obama was an original cosponsor of a bill to create a "Google-like" database of information on federal spending. So Americans can see where their money goes. He got it passed. The database is here.

- Obama Passed Into Law Legislation Requiring Lobbyists To Disclose Their Bundling Activity, Making Him Unpopular Even Among Other Democrats. Obama sponsored an amendment to require lobbyists to disclose the candidates, leadership PACs, or political parties for whom they collect or arrange contributions, and the aggregate amount of the contributions collected or arranged. Obama's amendment was passed by unanimous consent and attached to the Senate ethics bill, which was signed into law on September 15, 2007.

- Obama Passed Illinois Campaign Finance Reform, "Heralded As the Most Sweeping Good-Government Legislation in Decades." In 1998, Obama passed the Illinois Gift Ban that prohibited legislators, state officers and employees, and judges from soliciting or receiving gifts from a person or entity with interests affected by government.

- Obama Passed Law Requiring Comprehensive Nuclear Threat Reduction Strategy To Secure Weapons And Usable Nuclear Material. Senator Obama worked with Republican Senator Hagel on this law. The Obama-Hagel provision is aimed at preventing nuclear terrorism.

- Obama Passed Legislation To Keep Weapons Of Mass Destruction Out Of The Hands Of Terrorists. In 2006, Obama was an original co-sponsor of legislation to expand U.S. cooperation to destroy conventional weapons. It also expands the State Department's ability to detect and interdict weapons and materials of mass destruction. The legislation was included in an appropriations bill that was later signed into law by the president.

- Obama Passed Law to Promote Relief, Security, and Democracy in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

- Obama Passed Bipartisan Legislation That Expanded Health Care Coverage To 154,000 Residents, Including 70,000 Children. In 2004, Obama sponsored and helped pass legislation that expanded and made permanent Illinois' KidCare program so that all children in Illinois have healthcare.

- Obama Passed A Bill To Create Hospital Report Cards To Assist Consumers; The Bill Was Sponsored By Members Of Both Parties. Obama was the chief sponsor of Hospital Report Card Act.

- Obama Passed An Amendment Into Law That Pressured The EPA to Comply With New Lead-Paint Regulations After Seven Years of Delay. In 2005, Obama passed an amendment, which became law, to the FY 2006 Department of Interior Appropriations Act prohibiting the use of funds in the bill to delay or contravene implementation of an existing but unmet statutory requirement passed by Congress in 1992 that the EPA rewrite regulations on dispersal of lead paint by home remodeling contractors by October 1996. This law protects children!

- Obama Passed A Law Requiring The Defense Secretary To Report On The Pentagon's Efforts To Prepare For Military And Civilian Personnel For A Possible Influenza Outbreak.

- Obama Passed Legislation Providing $25 Million In Funding For Avian Flu Research And Containment Efforts. Obama's amendment called for a stockpile of antiviral drugs and necessary medical supplies to combat and contain an outbreak.

- Obama Passed Health Care Justice Act. In 2004, Obama was chief sponsor of bill creating the Health Care Justice Act, providing that the State of Illinois shall implement a health care access plan that provides uniform benefits for all Illinois residents.

- Obama Passed Legislation Creating A Tax Credit For The Installation Of E-85 Fuel Pumps. Under Obama's legislation, gas stations would get a tax credit to install equipment accommodating E-85 - an ethanol-based fuel alternative that its promoters say is up to 50 cents cheaper per gallon than unleaded gasoline.

- Obama Passed An Amendment Into Law To Fund Research For Hybrid/Flex Fuel Vehicles.

- Obama Passed Into Law An Amendment Establishing A Grant Program To Support Summer Curricula That Emphasize Math And Problem Solving. In 2007, Obama sponsored an amendment, which became law, to the America Competes Act that established a competitive state grant program to support summer learning opportunities with curricula that emphasize mathematics and problem solving.

- Obama Passed An Amendment, Which Became Law, Preventing The VA From Conducting A Review Of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Cases Aimed At Reducing Benefits.

- Obama Passed Legislation, Which Became Law, Improving And Increasing Services For Homeless Veterans. Obama's SAVE Act and Homes for Heroes Act.

- Obama Passed Legislation Extending Tax Credits For Military Families By Allowing Service Members Deployed In War Zones To Apply Non-Taxable Combat Pay To The EITC.

- Obama Passed An Amendment, Which Became Law, To Require The VA To Conduct A Campaign To Inform Disabled Vets Of Disparities In Compensation And Explaining Their Rights To Seek Review.

- Obama Passed Death Penalty Overhaul Package. Obama was the chief co-sponsor of the Capital Punishment Reform Study Committee Act, which would let judges rule out a death sentence for someone convicted solely on the testimony of a jailhouse informant, accomplice or single witness.

- Obama Passed Law To Require Videotaped Interrogations In Capital Cases. This law helps prosecutors prove that confessions were not coerced.

- Obama Passed Law Creating $100 Million Earned Income Tax Credit, Formed A Political Alliance Of Republicans And Democrats To Pass The EITC. Obama sponsored and passed a bill that amended the Illinois Income Tax Act to create the earned income tax credit.

- Obama Passed Law Creating The Illinois Temporary Assistance For Needy Families Program. Obama was a chief co-sponsor of the bill, which created flexibility for victims of domestic violence, set a five-year limit for receiving public assistance, banned anyone convicted of a serious drug-related Class X or Class 1 felony from ever receiving assistance, required that all recipients develop a personal plan for self-sufficiency, and listing the steps they will take to move from welfare to work.

- Obama Passed A Bill Requiring Advance Notice Of Mass Layoff And Plant Closings. Obama was the chief sponsor of the bill requiring employers to give 60 days advance notice of mass layoffs or plant closings to state officials to ensure timely unemployment assistance for workers.

- Obama Passed Whistle-Blower Protection Law. Obama was the chief co-sponsor of the bill, which prevents employers from prohibiting an employee from disclosing information to a government or law enforcement agency if the employee has reasonable cause to believe that the information discloses a violation of State or federal law.

- Obama Sponsored Law To Protect Overtime Pay To Counter Bush Restrictions. Obama was the chief sponsor of a new law that exempted Illinois from the new federal overtime rules and protected overtime pay for thousands of our state's workers.

- Obama Passed Legislation Prohibiting the Department of Homeland Security From Entering Into Open-Ended, No-Bid Contracts For Emergency Response Activities. Senator Obama worked with Republican Senator Coburn on this legislation, which will stop the abuse of no-bid contracting in the aftermath of a disaster.

- Obama Passed An Amendment Into Law Creating A National Family Locator System. In 2006, Obama passed an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2007 Homeland Security Appropriations Act that required the Department of Homeland Security to create a centralized family locator system through which family members can contact their lost loved ones during disasters. The amendment, which was signed into law as part of the final version of the bill, was based on legislation Obama introduced immediately after Hurricane Katrina.

For even more information, check out:
Just when all these were going to prove Obama has done nothing...Prof off of the top rope :marchmellow: :marchmellow:
It is just amazing to me how many people just take up a chant without really knowing what what the situation really is. Not that I support Obama, I really don't know who I will vote for.

I am appalled at how easy it is to make a claim and people are just willing to jump on the band wagon without doing even the most rudimentary investigation.

My point catch this...I doubt that two people even read the the post because it was so one even mentioned that the referenced accomplishment chart in the first document was missing (would not copy)...they saw the size of the post and refused to read it...a good tactic to remember! So if you want to win, go big...

I did not check any of the claims, a good researcher would have gone to each of the references to be sure that they were unbiased and reliable, and then looked for an additional supporting and confirming report to be sure. Few of us have the time to do that kind of investigation and the politicians know it. The Swift boat crew knew it...and the spin masters know it. We all are sheep.
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Prof said:
Don't know how much of this is true, but you asked.

What has Barack Obama ever accomplished?

"Some Say" that those who support Obama do so without a clue, and do so because of a "Svengali" effect his has on his "cult".

I say that it is unfortunate, in this age of the Internet, that folks aren’t able to inform themselves, yet are able to post on a Political blog to have a say.

For even more information, check out:

Hello Mr. Roy,

First Many of the Laws listed as "PASSED" by BO were simply no brainer

Pieces of legislation that he simply voted Yea on but was not the author,

ie; the legislation dealing with keeping account of nuclear materials.

Who the heck wouldn't vote for that!?

With some of the other legislation, I don't blame his crew for not mentioning

them on national T.V. because they just expand government and raise taxes

which even many Dem's seem to be tiring of.

Don't you find it odd that even the liberal media doesn't seem to mention all

these items you list? It was withen the last week that another BO supporter

just stumbled around when asked about BO's accomplishments. (I actually felt sorry for the guy)

Roy you are not dumb, I think you would agree that any of his people that were going to appear on national T.V. or radio would have every accomplishment of his committed to memory or at least a few by now.

Have you ever wondered about that?

Prof said:
It is just amazing to me how many people just take up a chant without really knowing what what the situation really is. Not that I support Obama, I really don't know who I will vote for.

I am appalled at how easy it is to make a claim and people are just willing to jump on the band wagon without doing even the most rudimentary investigation.

My point catch this...I doubt that two people even read the the post because it was so one even mentioned that the referenced accomplishment chart in the first document was missing (would not copy)...they saw the size of the post and refused to read it...a good tactic to remember! So if you want to win, go big...

I did not check any of the claims, a good researcher would have gone to each of the references to be sure that they were unbiased and reliable, and then looked for an additional supporting and confirming report to be sure. Few of us have the time to do that kind of investigation and the politicians know it. The Swift boat crew knew it...and the spin masters know it. We all are sheep.

I did try to check some of these and it came back page moved.
