Anyone want to join me for a good cause?


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Sep 6, 2006
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Greenville, TX
Ok, so November is Mustache month for Men's Cancer. And I have joined up with my son to raise money for the cause.

Join the team, and let the 'stache grow in Movember!! No shaving the 'stache, no goatees, no beards, just the longest, bushiest mustache you can grow for the month!! And when someone asks you why you are growing it, make them donate to the cause! :rock: :rock: :rock:

So help us raise a lot of money for men's cancer awareness!

Join the team here: The team name is: Labri superioris pili
what if ya already have one, for like 35+ years, dam. lol:dontknow: :dontknow: :dontknow:
Then it will be easy!! Just join up, and get others to join and donate!
:rock: :rock: :rock: lol
All of the members here that care about FstJack should be joining my team, growing the 'stache, and raising money for men's cancer awareness!

But hey, no pressure.
ntw0rk said:
But... no goatees or beards!
Ohhh, I see. Let me think about that, might be able to do the fu-manchu. ;) I usually grow the beard out about now though to help with the cooler temps while riding. I can probably wait on that though.
Yeah, it's only for the month of November, then the beard can come back!
Bump! C'mon guys! We all know someone who has been affected by Cancer... Do it for them!
Brat said:
Do you have to have a stash to join?
Don't have to have one now, but should let it grow during November. December first you can shave it off.
Black1 said:
I already have a mustache.... it's attached to my goatee. :dontknow: :D

Well, just lose the Goat for the month of November! Join the team and help raise some money for the cause! Easy Peasy! :elefant: :elefant: :elefant: :elefant:
ntw0rk said:
Well, just lose the Goat for the month of November! Join the team and help raise some money for the cause! Easy Peasy! :elefant: :elefant: :elefant: :elefant:

I dunno if I can do that... I've had this goatee since the 9th grade! :eek: :( :p
ntw0rk said:
Well.... I guess I can let you off... if you donate! :p

Oh, and being a student of Latin (a failing one :eek: ).... It should be "superioris labri pili". Translates roughly to "The hair of the upper lips".

Labri superioris pili - translates to something like: "Her lips javelin to the highest" :confused: :dontknow: :eek:

Damn Latin syntax is a BITCH! :D :aetsch:

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