Asking for prayers

Troy's QC SRT

Active Member
Supporting Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Due to the situation I can't speak on details so please don't ask but I'm asking for yall to pray for my buddy...... He was involved in a incident here where he lost his leg at the calf today....... He's currently in the OR and is expected to pull through......He lost alot of blood and if it wasn't for one of his mates training and quick thinking to apply a tourniquet he would have died for-sure. A good friend of mine....known him since my first deployment in Iraq back in 05...... He's been on 3 deployments and I actually flew with him 3 days ago...... We're so close to leaving and this happens....He has a wife and two kids...... His name is SGT Patterson (not going to post his full name)

God I wish I could go into details why I F'ing hate this country so bad and wish we could just annihilate all these "People" Kill em all and let there "Allah" sort em out F'ing cowards:mad:
Sorry to hear about bud, and he and his are in our prayers. Your service to our country is a blessing.:adore: Someone seems to have removed the American Flag Smiley!:mad:
Sorry to hear about this ..... You guys will be in my thoughts and prayers
Thoughts and prayers are with him Troy. And I'm with ya bud.
Sorry to hear about this my buddy. You all guys will be in my thoughts and prayers . Ty for all you guys do for all of ppl ...
Prayers are sent Troy, your a good man, stand by your friend help him thru this , in the end friends is all we have at times, if you need us , dont hesitate.
Thoughts and prayers for SSGT Patterson and his family.
Keep your head down and get home safely Troy!
I appreciate it...... I know his family knows already and i'm sure there worried like crazy....... He should be out of surgery now but I'm not 100% sure.... They won't let anyone see him.... There are alot of us trying to see him..... Just hate to see this happen so close to going home and end a good soldiers career...... It's crazy cause just the other day we were talking about each others plans and the units we were trying to go to after leaving this shit hole.......
May the Father of all Creation show mercy on the Sarge.

May His Peace be upon SGT Patterson.

And may he rise up from this situation in victory over it........

God bless you both.

Thanks again all....He's stable right now....still can't see him as he's resting....It's 2am here and ill get up in the morning to go check on him....He'll be going to Germany real soon as when people get injured here they want to minimize risk of infection so they get them out of this country.... I hope I get to see him before then.....