Bodybuilding/Physique competition

Also, I'm not sure if you are going to go "NO CARB" for any duration but you have to be very careful not to eat to much to fast after the show. No joke my best friend did a way to hard core no carb coming into his first show. then immediately after the show we went out and he was gorging food down, he wound up with over feeding syndrome!!! His whole body started shutting down, I got a phone call at 4:00 in the morning, he was paralyzed and couldn't even get out of his bed. I literally had to throw him over my shoulder and carry him down a flight of stairs, rush him to the ER and then he had to stay in the hospital for 24 hours while hooked up to IV's to rehydrate him..... Scary shit!

Yep. I'm no carb until Wednesday. Then I start carbing back up for the show. Saturday night, I'll have my pizza and dessert, then back to the diet as I slowly add in more and more carbs so that doesn't happen.
look good man!! I competed in my first physique show last march. Bulking right now and hopefully I'll have enough size for bodybuilding in the next few years
Are you still powerlifting?

I messed up my back for a bit and then had some real life issues to take care of, so I couldnt train as intense or heavy and slacked diet and gym wise.

All that is cleared up and my back is healed, so I can finally get with it again.

how about you??
I messed up my back for a bit and then had some real life issues to take care of, so I couldnt train as intense or heavy and slacked diet and gym wise.

All that is cleared up and my back is healed, so I can finally get with it again.

how about you??
I messed up my back for a bit and then had some real life issues to take care of, so I didn't train as often and slacked. - Quoted a lot of what you said because it applies to me. lol. I'm in the gym a couple times a week, but not training well at the moment. My back still hurts though.
I should copy that quite as well. Although I haven't been into body building, lifting in General was a daily thing till I injured my back several years ago. Had a discectomy on my lowest disc and have felt great for a few years until last year I had another bout with either the same disc or one above it giving me sciatica from my right ass cheek to my foot. Literally weeks in bed and could barely lift a gallon of milk! Anxious to lift again but extremely scared to hurt again as well so it keeps me away.
Thanks again to Caveman and others for giving me advice on how to get myself better without another surgery. :rock:
Back injuries suck lol luckily, mine wasnt that bad and I still go to the chiro once a month to make sure everything is in line. I'm hoping that will keep any future problems away.
Damn injuries fucking all our lives up. Christmas of 2012, I tore a bunch of tendons and ligaments in my left ankle. Thing swelled up like a damn elephant ankle and turned black. Couldn't do squats, leg press, or calf raises for 8 months. Took forever to heal. Had about 4 months until beginning of this year, I fucked my acl up in my right knee. Thus, preventing me to train legs once again.

Damn injuries fucking all our lives up. Christmas of 2012, I tore a bunch of tendons and ligaments in my left ankle. Thing swelled up like a damn elephant ankle and turned black. Couldn't do squats, leg press, or calf raises for 8 months. Took forever to heal. Had about 4 months until beginning of this year, I fucked my acl up in my right knee. Thus, preventing me to train legs once again.

Ouch! How is peak week treating you?
Damn injuries fucking all our lives up. Christmas of 2012, I tore a bunch of tendons and ligaments in my left ankle. Thing swelled up like a damn elephant ankle and turned black. Couldn't do squats, leg press, or calf raises for 8 months. Took forever to heal. Had about 4 months until beginning of this year, I fucked my acl up in my right knee. Thus, preventing me to train legs once again.

After further examination, I'm pretty sure that your ankles are normal sized, you just have really small feet. :D
Shit, i gota start lifting again. Hopefully after i move things will slow down a little and i cant get beck to my lifting. My muscles are getting small and my gut is getting huge. Not good.
Well, the competition was Saturday. I didn't place top 5, but considering where I started 3 months ago and where I'm at now, I'm very happy at my progress. This being my first show and going up against guys who have been doing this for years and pursuing their pro cards. It was a national qualifier and was stacked in every division. I had 37 competitors in my class of Open Physique Medium. I made second callouts. Here are a few pics:

Glad to hear you had a good time. What is your goal now?

Build up more muscle and compete again in May. Except I've binged the past few days and gained a lot weight back. I'm hoping it's mostly water retention and can be lost easily now that I'm going back on my reverse diet.

It's hard to stop eating once I start. Even when I'm full, I feel full, and I know I'm full and should stop brain says to keep eating.
i'm a bodybuilding coach for lots of years and may i say u look great.
but...imho , the class u compete is looking for people that look a bit younger.
alot "older" guys have the problem when they are at 5% fat or bellow , they look much older because of all the fat and water is gone , not only from the body , but also from the face.
u compete in the MAP (mens athletic physique) and in that competition they look for male model faces , and that is hard when ur at 5%...

i suggest u bulk up a nice 15 to 20lbs of muscle and compete in classic bodybuilding if u have those categories over there...;)
i'm a bodybuilding coach for lots of years and may i say u look great.
but...imho , the class u compete is looking for people that look a bit younger.
alot "older" guys have the problem when they are at 5% fat or bellow , they look much older because of all the fat and water is gone , not only from the body , but also from the face.
u compete in the MAP (mens athletic physique) and in that competition they look for male model faces , and that is hard when ur at 5%...

i suggest u bulk up a nice 15 to 20lbs of muscle and compete in classic bodybuilding if u have those categories over there...;)
Always appreciate seeing things through a coaches eye. Thanks, Sammy!
i'm a bodybuilding coach for lots of years and may i say u look great.
but...imho , the class u compete is looking for people that look a bit younger.
alot "older" guys have the problem when they are at 5% fat or bellow , they look much older because of all the fat and water is gone , not only from the body , but also from the face.
u compete in the MAP (mens athletic physique) and in that competition they look for male model faces , and that is hard when ur at 5%...

i suggest u bulk up a nice 15 to 20lbs of muscle and compete in classic bodybuilding if u have those categories over there...;)

Thank you! That is my ultimate goal. I just need to focus on legs. My recent lower body injuries have prevented me from building them to a bodybuilder level. I want to get stage experience in the meantime as I slowly work my way up. If I do well in physique I might stay, but ultimate goal would be bodybuilding.
Build up more muscle and compete again in May. Except I've binged the past few days and gained a lot weight back. I'm hoping it's mostly water retention and can be lost easily now that I'm going back on my reverse diet.

It's hard to stop eating once I start. Even when I'm full, I feel full, and I know I'm full and should stop brain says to keep eating.

Thats what happens to everyone post show lol just give yourself a day or so of enjoyment, but get on that RD soon. You will drop that water pretty quick and look shredded again