Bulldoze Detroit?

Here's an idea. Raise the taxes in Detroit like Belair did in Houston... The people that destroyed the city will move out.

Of course wherever they move to they will trash, but you can't teach respect or personal responsibility.

My grandpa use to take me through Detroit when I was but a wee lad and would show me all the houses. Beautiful homes almost mansions that if you could look past all the broken glass police tape and what/not you could see a once proud city........

I think people were given too much, forgot what it was like to work and prosper and now...... Hell yeah bulldoze it:toilet: . Get it back to making money and employing people again!
Treker - this is a good quote from your link

"The people of Hiroshima had already faced total destruction, so they were smart enough not to vote for a socialist. Detroit’s people had never encountered the consequences of bad decisions, so they spent decades pushing for the most “liberal” government their neighbors could afford, with the crowning achievement last November. Karma."
Such a shame. Looks like at one time, it was the place to be.
There are still good parts, but a lot of empty buildings need to be leveled.

I think Mayor Bing's idea is good.

Begood said:
There are still good parts, but a lot of empty buildings need to be leveled.

I think Mayor Bing's idea is good.


I agree. Detroit was once a beautiful city. The architecture in some of those houses, buildings, theaters, and churches is unbelievable. It's a shame to destroy all of it.... but, it's already been destroyed. :(

Bulldoze what you can... jump-start Gentrification, and get the city back on track. It may also bring back the agricultural powerhouse that was once Michigan.
to much to read, show me a picture:D

Ok.... :D

Would your rather see THIS:


Or this:


:dontknow: :eek:
I have been waiting to see what others had to say before I chimed in.

Personally, I think it's a great example of thinking out of the box, and a good idea to a point.

Portland Oregon has done a great job of revitalizing their downtown area. What was once old warehouses, are now condos, or shopping centers. Seattle (aka. the festering shit hole) has done some of the same, but not the extent that Portland has.

I believe Detriot could do some the same in certain areas, and keep part of their history. Once it's gone, it's gone and will not come back. Tax breaks and other incentives could be given to contractors to restore areas. And once they do, people will move back to those areas.

Other areas could be designated as agricultural, or parks. It takes an overall plan that would tie it all together.

The have a unique opportunity to do something that could be used as a model for other cities.

Our President could also use this as a jobs program, and throw in an added benefit. For those that work to restore these building, they can have the first opportunity to buy at discount prices and interest rates. You can generally be damn sure that people that put in their own blood, sweat and tears into a place will take care of it.

I could go on with even more ideas, but I really hope they do this.
I agree, John... Detroit could be a wonderful town. It's a great location. The downtown area is mostly deserted, however. There is just very little industry in the ACTUAL city of Detroit. All of the auto manufacturers, for the most part, have moved their operations elsewhere (either slightly out of city limits, out of State, or out of country completely). Chrysler is in Auburn Hills, Ford is in Dearborn... GM's HQ is right downtown... but, that is mostly "professional" and has no manufacturing.

They need to bring industry back to Detroit... or, change the corner completely and go almost all professional/technical service oriented. Unfortunately, as nice a location as Detroit is... there are many other nicer (read: warmer) cities that are much better suited to these high-paying businesses.

I really think, if they put their minds to it... Detroit could be the new "Green Dubai" here in the USA. They are smack in the middle of the Bread Basket. They have industry minded and trained personnel already there. They could be home base for the alternative fuel industry (soy/corn/hydrogen/etc). :dontknow:
I worked for Wayne County for a few years in the late 90s. AS a surveyor/engineer for the roads division. We would go to places and the ground would be covered with crack baggies and broken liquor bottles, you could get a rake and rake up huge piles as if you were raking leaves in the fall. No exageration.

Such a shame.

I worked downtown for a bit. MY building was surrounded by rusting hulks. IT seemed like for every occupied building there were 3 or 4 empty ones.

Such a shame.

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