Cherokee NC

Just putting the word out that there is a killer on the loose there. My 74 year old aunt was murdered in a hotel parking lot for her purse. So pissed.....
OMG, so sorry to hear about your Aunt.
The casino makes for a lot of soft targets, sorry to say.
Just putting the word out that there is a killer on the loose there. My 74 year old aunt was murdered in a hotel parking lot for her purse. So pissed.....

damn man WTF. Sorry to hear that.
****! I'm passing through that neck of the woods in 2 wks with the kids. I'll make sure and keep my eyes open during stops.
That's horrible sorry bout your aunt man... hopefully justice will be served.
Sorry to hear about aunt. Hope they catch the bastard soon.
Wow, brother im really sorry to hear about your loss. Someone needs to find that SOB and drag him in the backwoods of NC.