chrisheltra has a real nice lightning

What was it.
Those chains, tensioners and guides?

A bad tensioner.

You did much better than we did. About half of that was missing on my buddys :D
Needless to say, there was alot of metal in the oil pan. Easy fix, but a PIA to get to it.
+1 If I would have had to go much further the next step would have been to remove the motor.

We had to pull the pan to get all the metal out. :p We didn't pull the motor, but should have.
If only Dodge would have put forged pistons in our engines, we wouldn't have so many blow up with just very mild FI applications. Ford got that part right.

Both trucks are great in my book, and have pros/cons.

chrisheltra...glad you got the tensioner fixed before something really bad happened.
Chris, I really did not know you were having engine problems or I would not have been fucking with you!! Must have missed that thread.