Cobra introduces world's first touchscreen radar detector


Full Access Member
Jun 22, 2006
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Up to now, radar detectors have epitomized the ultimate in minimalist design: a couple of buttons or knobs, a couple of LEDs and a few hieroglyphs were all you got. No more. Now you get something that will probably prove just as distracting: a 1.5-inch touchscreen on two of Cobra's newest radar detectors.

Cobra touts the "full color graphic interface" as the feature that will make "setting up the radar detector fast and easy." Funny, we didn't think it was all that tricky to begin with. Alas, if setting up a new radar detector or switching between modes really got you down, then maybe your prayers have been answered. We certainly don't think it'll make the detectors any more difficult to operate, and it is much more colorful – yet ultimately, that bunch of glyphs on such a tiny screen seems like six of one, half-dozen of the other. You'll find Cobra's press release after the jump.
Why don't they make a Nav/DVD/CD touch screen with built in Radar detector?

Now that would be sweet.
Yea, more stuff to play with while driving :D