Computer Guru's


Supporting Member
Nov 30, 2008
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South Jersey
ok - i have been a netadmin/computer builder/computer repair ect... for as long as i can remember

i have a problem here at work with out network / server

i have one computer here connected to a SBS 2003 there are some website that can be displayed

"windows explore cant display this webpage"


but every other computer on the nextwork can - WTF

i have tryed to do what MS said there "Fixit" button ( and alot of other things the only thing i have not released and renewed yet, and i dont want to flush it or wipe it out bc of the server if it was a stand alone no problem i would do it lol

computer is a XP Pro OS

any suggestions ?
Is this your personal puter? U know the one that has all of your gay porn on it and all the pics of the gay little yellow truck? :elefant: :D
Is this your personal puter? U know the one that has all of your gay porn on it and all the pics of the gay little yellow truck? :elefant: :D

no - this is not my personal computer, i am also a Netadmin here at work, and one of my stations is having a problem with there internet connection
Have you tried pinging it from the server side?
check the nic card aka ping
Cable check from the workstation to switch
check the dhcp server to see status of the of the lease
or check if theres a problem between it and the dns server

hope any of this helps
if it doesn't you could always try restarting it 3 times :elefant:
VIPER said:
no - this is not my personal computer, i am also a Netadmin here at work, and one of my stations is having a problem with there internet connection
So, who asked you anyway. :thefinger: Either way, stop looking at gay porn and gay yellow trucks and you'll have more time to fix the computers that you're in charge of. :D :knuddel:
Go to command prompt and type in" ping " then enter. That will tell you whether hitting the server.

Make sure in tools your DHCP is obtain ip automatically

You should see green lights on the network card when you plug in the data cable

Move the computer to a data cable that is working and plug it in there and that will tell if the problem is the computer or cable
I am assuming this computer connects wireless? Try the release/renew for the DHCP. If that doesn't work, set a generic IP manually.... something high-up, like 192.168.188 or something.

Whenever that screen pops up for me, it's almost always a IP address issue (this 'puter and another device trying to have the same IP addy).

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did you say that you can get to some sites and not to others?

If that is the case here are the first couple of steps I'd take.

1. do a nslookup from that box on one of the sites you can't get to and see if it is being resolved.

2. If it is being resolved, then telnet to one of those sites that you can't get to on port 80 from a command prompt. The page won't be displayed but you should at least be able to tell if you are being connected. Also check to see if you can connect from the browser using the IP address instead of the name.

If you can connect through telnet but not the browser than it would point to a browser issue, reinstall or put firefox on the box.
Do a trace and see where the packets go dead at. From there you might have a corrupt winsock or security settings.

RedSrt007 said:
Do a trace and see where the packets go dead at. From there you might have a corrupt winsock or security settings.


Right on!

Or, it could be in the security settings in internet explorer.

Can you load Firefox or Chrome, or some other browser and try it from there?
ntw0rk said:
Right on!

Or, it could be in the security settings in internet explorer.

Can you load Firefox or Chrome, or some other browser and try it from there?

Firefox or Chrome - same thing,

and yes it one a few websites that i cant access from this PC
VIPER said:
Firefox or Chrome - same thing,

and yes it one a few websites that i cant access from this PC

VIPER said:

Are you accessing through a company firewall?

Is it possible that the IP for that machine has been blocked by the firewall?

Check the Windows Firewall too, it can do some weird things sometimes....
Ok ,.... Thank you I'll try it out tomarrow

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