curious to see

Back on topic,I paid 45,600 which was MSRP in March of 04.Sold my desert toys and paid it off after the first year.I would lose my ass off if i was going to sell it in this market.I really do not see myself getting rid of it though.:D The engine blowing kinda scares me though.:( I have about 53,000 miles on it.
like many others if it isnt the cost of gas scarring me its the cost of the motor spinning a bearing...hell those are prolly the two main reasons for me wanting to ditch my truck. At times I wish I didnt have the burden of this truck so I could jump on buying a forclosed home. Wont be long till you see my truck on ebay
FerrariTruck said:
like many others if it isnt the cost of gas scarring me its the cost of the motor spinning a bearing...hell those are prolly the two main reasons for me wanting to ditch my truck. At times I wish I didnt have the burden of this truck so I could jump on buying a forclosed home. Wont be long till you see my truck on ebay
Sorry to hear it bro,But if it works for you go for it.Good luck man,And all the best to you.
505'sFastestViper. said:
my poor boot got violated gotta love mexico

Uranus got violated...I think by Pluto but im not sure...could of been Goofy, but he is not a planet:confused: :p :D
FerrariTruck said:
... its the cost of the motor spinning a bearing...

Thats what concerns me. I have had mine for 4 years now, 12,300 miles. Not sure about the cost of mods, dont really want to add them up. Its a great vehicle, very fun, very unique. If I was to sell, it would only be because I had a new viper, challanger or something cool to replace it.

Texas Yellow Fever said:
the lights will be on as long as Jack and Patrick allow them to be

Well somebody better warn Jack and Patrick not to come near this lightswitch- I am guarding it- and anyone comes near it -will get a triple wedgie.:rock: :rock: :rock: :marchmellow:
I have seen my gas bill double over the last 2 years. I just sold a ford 4x4 ranger and bought a toyota yaris that pays for itself in gas savings(1 hour drive each way to work). Do the math people and buy a beater/gas miser and keep the truck...YOU WILL BE SORRY IF YOU SELL IT! Dont go with the flow and lose money, keep it and wait. Example #1- What is a 70 426 hemi cuda worth right now? Our trucks were very limited in production numbers as compared to all of the other trucks manurfactured. I wish that I could buy 2 or three more of these trucks. ITS TIME TO BUY GUYS, NOT SELL!
Django said:
Just FYI.............. I'm the one who said, "will the last one to sell his truck, please turn out the lights..."

But, it was not a death knell to the forum..... or a eulogy.... It was just an expression.


I sold my truck 6 months ago and (much to the chagrin of some members) I am still fkn here.....

Don't get yer knickers in a twist.

From what I've observed, many members here are (financially) stretched like a condom on a basketball. These are indivduals who are in WAY over their heads. They bought these trucks because they are thee most testosterone laden trucks on the planet. Those who could really afford to (do so) have even moved on to Viper coupes.... Some of you turd burglars even have both.... (I salute you). But many have been knocked into next week with the overall economy, the loss of an income, the price of gasoline and just plain old bad luck....

When one takes all these factors into consideration, it should come as no surprise that a number of us poor bastards have gotten out... Many, many others can't get out from under their trucks and (for one reason or another) would really like to....

If I had the money today, I'd by something else... Probably a F/I Corvette C6 of some kind.... I've been there and done that with the SRT-10... It's probably the most impractical (but fun) vehicle on the planet... I loved mine, but it's now time to move on....... Some haven't had the experience yet ... and they really should.... They are fun as hell.... But if ya ' can't take the financial heat...GTF out 'a the garage....

And turn off the fkn lights when you leave....... the garage.......not the VTCOA. ;)

Nobody said i couldnt take the fukin heat i just said that these trucks take a harder hit than anything i have owned. I dont understand why they do, I love my truck. so fuck you smartass
Selling has crossed my mind a time or two and even briefly put it up on craigslist, quickly came to my senses and took it off. It's just too much fun. The poor resale value is another reason to stay the course. I did go into it knowing it's a summer/fun vehicle not a year round daily driver, so gas pricing is not a big factor for me.

These trucks rock! :rock: