Different Weather Please!


Full Access Member
Dec 21, 2006
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OK, the weather is officially not cooperating with my hobbies!:(

The worst part is, when it does this for 20 minutes in Virginia, they freak out and put salt everywhere.:dontknow:

I guess the SRT will be sitting still until the next hard rain washes the roads.:(

But at least I can LOOK at my toys!:rock:
i know what you mean,its 62 and cool here might have to take the truck out for a spin later.
Tonight it's going down to about 10 degrees. Tomorrow a high of ~24, and windy. Wind Chill Temps about zero.:eek:

And our roads are covered with fuggin' salt. Sucks...:(
brat said:
i know what you mean,its 62 and cool here might have to take the truck out for a spin later.

Yeah... Damn rain! :( :mad: I thought this was suppose to be the "nice" time of year to live in FL. :dontknow: .... Maybe I just need to go further SOUTH. Like KEY WEST! :D :rock:
i gave up on drivin my truck between december and april cause here in jersey they put more salt down than canada uses in a year.
Black1 said:
Yeah... Damn rain! :( :mad: I thought this was suppose to be the "nice" time of year to live in FL. :dontknow: .... Maybe I just need to go further SOUTH. Like KEY WEST! :D :rock:


Let's go bum rush Prof!!!

He's down there fishin' right now!!!!

Ive noticed a light discoloring all around here and I agree in MD I think they too use more salt than necessary. Hopefully this wekeend will show some improvement cause I got places to be things to do etc
Stanimal said:
i gave up on drivin my truck between december and april cause here in jersey they put more salt down than canada uses in a year.

Not many places use salt in Canada actually, i know out in Alberta and Saskatchewan we don't use any salt.