Dragon Tail Pics

what was the actual date ya'll ran the dragon????

tryin to see if there are some photos of ya'll on the us129photos.com
March, 09 think it was around the 23rd or 25th

thanks Jack:rock:

can't find any right off. :(

i'm a guessin here, but looks like ya ran early & guess most of the photos are in the afternoon:dontknow:
This is bucket list cruise...all must do it once in their lifetime...trying to get the time off now..have done the tail on a Harley and a Mazada RX-8....the took the 8 out at 2am the road was empty and it was farkin blast..and still got a ticket for speeding..lol...guy who clocked us had to radio ahead as he couldnt catch us...lol..and some beautiful scenery to boot

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