eBay Experiences?

Danko said:
I appreciate the picture advice and expected it. Telling an old man he is a dickhead because he is not a photographer is a sad commentary on those saying that. I expected the illiterates with the foul comments and understand the shortcomings of the public school systems. Birds of afeather..... fowl comments/foul comments? Thank you for those giving the eBay advice. My wife has a digital somewhere, I believe, but she is busy. Maybe we will get to it. Meanwhile we each have some nice trucks to drive and enjoy. When wading through the trash that frequent forums, a lot of good advice can be had, even at a forum I can no longer comment at. Many of you have provided some great scoop about these trucks and that is useful info. Thnx again!!!
Danko,It was not about the pictures,It was the way you treated the members.:dontknow:
nycstev said:
I just sold MY 06 Nightrunner to an overseas buyer for 38,500 on ebay

With the current Euro value and constant devaluation of the American $, maybe anyone considering selling should list their truck on the European eBay sites.
Danko....you get treated the way you treat people so you should expect rude comments, getting made fun of, and...yes...being called a dickhead. You brought it on yourself. If your such an "old man" then I would hope you'd learn better manners in all of your years by now. Hope you choke on your truck.
Danko said:
I appreciate the picture advice and expected it. Telling an old man he is a dickhead because he is not a photographer is a sad commentary on those saying that. I expected the illiterates with the foul comments and understand the shortcomings of the public school systems. Birds of afeather..... fowl comments/foul comments? Thank you for those giving the eBay advice. My wife has a digital somewhere, I believe, but she is busy. Maybe we will get to it. Meanwhile we each have some nice trucks to drive and enjoy. When wading through the trash that frequent forums, a lot of good advice can be had, even at a forum I can no longer comment at. Many of you have provided some great scoop about these trucks and that is useful info. Thnx again!!!

on the nfff u acted like a baby and was treated like one, anyone from that site that comes here knows it. u are old and u are a dickhead!!!

foul comments will be slung at you like a monkey slings poo at a zoo. sorry, your well educmacated old ass should know better that on your first day at a new school dont walk up to the class bully and act like a ass:D

u could have blown off anything said in this thread, taken the advice given and it would have been dropped. u came back. defended yourself and made things worse.

good luck with the sell :elefant: :elefant: :elefant: :elefant:
Maybe you guys should give him a chance ...

NOT From what i have read in the past you are rude and self centered .... Not that we don't have some that already fit that bill ....... But they have served there time at VTCOA and you have not. Maybe we can all get past that and you will be a nice guy given the chance.

Good luck J.T.
i will not say another word unless he brings it up. if he does, game on :D

yes, i can forgive and forget.

who am i again??
Sadly funny. Pathetic, actually. Most of the partially literate clowns with the stupid comments do not have the smarts to realize that opinions mean nothing unless the person giving them is worthy of respect. The babbling thrown my way is seen for what it is. Meanwhile, good advice here is also seen for what it is. Thanks again for those mature enough to know the difference. No, I will not respond to any more babbling. Some good advice has been given and rec'd.
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Danko said:
Most of the partially literate clowns with the stupid comments do not have the smarts to realize that opinions mean nothing unless the person giving them is worthy of respect.

You must be missing the point that we don't give two shits about your respect seeing as you have failed to show any yourself to the members of this site and apparently the nfff site as well. The "sad" and "pathetic" part of this with you is that you've posted on here many times before and on the nfff site and received the same treatment from many people. Don't you think MAAAAAYBE your the one with the problem and not the hundreds of people who post on these sites? Ahhhh...I could go on but what's the use. You cant teach an OLD dog new tricks. :dontknow:
Voodoo said:
foul comments will be slung at you like a monkey slings poo at a zoo.

I thought slinging poo around here was the norm?:dontknow: Poo slinging makes this as great a place as Silverback is hairy. :argh:It is the POO that binds us.:proud:
I guess I need to say something about this.

Normally, I would have jumped right in and deleted all the posts giving you shit Danko. And in fact, I have been struggling with the decision of doing that or not.

If you knew, I mean really knew, the folks on this thread giving you shit, you would realize that they are respected members here, and that they aren't in the habit of jumping in people's shit. In fact, I doubt that Patrick has ever given anyone else any shit at all.

There is a reason for them jumping down your throat. You brought it upon yourself. Not too long ago another member here (I won't mention names) tried to help you, I mean really help you see the error of your ways. And what did you do? Just what you always do.

So, to wrap it up. You are on your own here. I won't get into it. If any of the other admins/mods want to, that is up to them. But I won't. You made your bed, now you lie in it.
Danko, Your grumpy old guy strategy is working perfectly, you've been trying (supposedly) to sell your truck for many months but no one is biting so you keep this missus happy thinking you are really, really, really, trying hard to sell the truck, but in the meantime you just have to drive it around a little bit....
I think you are a genius. I have to hide one of mine at a garage 3 miles away to keep the peace.
Months ago, I made it very public and clear to the literate that I really did not care much to sell either truck. The above post sees through that except I really am not grumpy. For OCBob I can only reiterate that opinions from those I do not respect matter not. Really. Not at all! So when he says I am getting shit I suggest I am not, even if fools are trying their stupidest to give me some. I do not accept it. The crap the idiots try doling out is truly meaningless drivel and not really worth a comment. Forums are like that. Those with no lives come here and pretend their thoughts are noteworthy. I come here and get some good info although I need to wade through the weeds a bit to find it. Thnx again to those offering true info.
Not that it matters much but I actually would like to sell the '04 but know I can get about the same for it when it has twice the miles on it that it has now, so even though I will "try" selling it, I may not get real serious for another year. This winter I will put the spares from my two trucks on the front of the '04 and get some miles out of them. I dislike carrying around perfectly good tires and wheels as spares without getting some miles on them and having two of these trucks provides a great opportunity to use the spares. It will look funny, but then so do I.
Danko said:
Who has had good luck selling on eBay? I have zero experience with them. Is it easy? I do not photograph so do I get "file photos" with an eBay ad? I am down to $24,600 for my '04 RC with 11,500 miles on it (I owe over $26K still) and forums only seem to draw screwball comments and no buyers, so who has had what luck elsewhere, please? AutoTrader was a waste of time and money.

Purchase the book "eBay for Dummies", it has good information in it and is tragically appropriate....
Eric said:
Purchase the book "eBay for Dummies", it has good information in it and is tragically appropriate....

I have that book.....

Learned a bunch of things and it worked for what I was selling

Danko said:
This winter I will put the spares from my two trucks on the front of the '04 and get some miles out of them. I dislike carrying around perfectly good tires and wheels as spares without getting some miles on them and having two of these trucks provides a great opportunity to use the spares. It will look funny, but then so do I.

I have tried to stay out of your business on both this and the other forum, BUT,
Please tell us you are joking here, the spare tires are for temporary use. For the safety of yourself and all other drivers on the road around you please reconsider this. God forbid anything happens and it is proven you were running those spares. You will get sued and most likely lose. (If you survive the crash). I generally don't comment on things much, but get real here. If you do this I'm sorry but then you truly are an idiot. Besides an 04 and an 06 have different spares.

Some of the guys here may seem abrupt and abrasive to you, but really they were trying to help. And when info is needed, or upgrades to fix corners cut by Dodge. There really is no better place to find it than this forum.

Please reconsider your stance on things and give these guys a chance.
Alberta, I appreciate the news about the spares being different on my two trucks. I never would have thought that. That is bad news but thnx much! I do have no reason to believe those are for temp use only, though. They are full-sized tires, not doughnuts. Do you happen to know what the difference is between the '04 and '06 spare tires? I thought they were all about 275/60 20s or so. Not true, huh? Now I have to go crawl under and look or does someone here know for sure already? Eric, Thnx for the book suggestion. Sounds good!
Why does it always seem that the most desperate souls are also the most obnoxious... Kind of like a drowning man pulling under his rescuer out of sheer panic...

Danko is now realizing his ineptitude at belittleing those that are trying to save him and still coming across as a fool trying to accept the help..

Just my 2 cents...
stop replying to thread he will go away,,everyone insulting him just gives him gas for his fire;)

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