End of an era

Me too! Those long hauls and stopping for a nap in those rest areas weren’t very comfortable..
I've never done that! My longest trips are day time hours only. My BIL just drove cross country in less than two days and did that rest stop stuff.

retired kinky foot so I'm sure it was no biggy for him lol
I've never done that! My longest trips are day time hours only. My BIL just drove cross country in less than two days and did that rest stop stuff.

retired kinky foot so I'm sure it was no biggy for him lol
Been there done that cross country several times , last time was in the winter and no heater in the car 2 1/2 days with a 4 hour stop in Arkansas in a motel .. tried to stop in the Texas panhandle at a rest area , snow coming down and a comforter .. No way , I would have froze to death so kept driving . Everytime I stopped for gas my feet were numb. When the sun popped up in the mornings in the East all I could think of doing was driving to it . This was inter state 10 .. I don’t even want to think how much colder it would have been on any more northen interstates hahaha !
Been there done that cross country several times , last time was in the winter and no heater in the car 2 1/2 days with a 4 hour stop in Arkansas in a motel .. tried to stop in the Texas panhandle at a rest area , snow coming down and a comforter .. No way , I would have froze to death so kept driving . Everytime I stopped for gas my feet were numb. When the sun popped up in the mornings in the East all I could think of doing was driving to it . This was inter state 10 .. I don’t even want to think how much colder it would have been on any more northen interstates hahaha !
Uhhhh no! I'll pass thanks!

I-70 and 80 are brutal I've heard
70 and 80 out west are fun to drive
70 and 80 out west are fun to drive
10 and 40 are fun also out west ,, wide open for miles and miles … Just not when you have no heater in the car in the middle of winter while snowing hahaha
10 and 40 are fun also out west ,, wide open for miles and miles … Just not when you have no heater in the car in the middle of winter while snowing hahaha
Hahaha! Young people! They try anything once :D
Is that gastritis acting up again ,, I know, apple cider vinegar pills will help and have eliminated my acid reflux completely… no more Prilosec :D:)
That's great! Natural and cheaper I'm sure!

i think Jeffey is tipping a brewski! That's what Dad always did :D
In the summer! Winter only if you're brave :eek:
Well I did do one end to the other of Death Valley in August without A/C also . The price we pay for trying to mod and lighten the load to make a car faster hahaha
That's great! Natural and cheaper I'm sure!

i think Jeffey is tipping a brewski! That's what Dad always did :D
Yes and much cheaper .. the best part it worked and haven’t had acid reflux but a couple times in around 25 years . Just don’t take a vinegar pill with a carbonated beverage.. or mentos with on either hahaha ! Also be sure to test the Mg your taken and if your stomach will tolerated the dose .. the 400 mg were to much for me so I cut them in half and no problems .. I only take them on very rare occasion's if I feel any bloating or indigestion ..
Now I’m needing to figure out what types of naturals are natural blood thinners since Eliquis is most likely going to be completely out of the question due to out of pocket cost even with Medicare ..
I found out Tumeric spice is not suppose to be taken with blood thinners . The cardiologist didn’t even know that . Put me into irregular heart sinus rythem for a day and a half when I did add it to my food . There are no generics for Eliquis and I will not take Cumadin ever. That rat poison will kill you IMO along with constantly going to the doctor to have your blood checked .. of course Eliquis can make you bleed out and only getting blood pumped back in can save your ass .. Cumadin you can bleed out also but vitamin K is used to help stop the bleeding .
I hate freaking drugs .. I’m down from 10 to basically 1 right now since I have started weaning myself off the Eliquis .. the remaining drug is more for blood pressure which is better than it was when I was 20 years old . I’m on it due to the irregular heart beat crap which occurs when my heart rate goes into the 70 beats per minute range sometimes .. my heart rate is mostly in the high 30’s to low 50’s ( normal resting heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute ). been that way since I was much much younger .. that’s known as Bradycardia and or a athletic heart .. I’ve always been extremely active . So I’m not even sure I need that BP med ( metoperol ) .

PS : screw the doctors and research yourself about any drugs they scribe to you .. the SOBs gave me several drugs that put me into such low Hypotension that I could have easily gone into shock or had organs fail if I wasn't monitoring things at home and called them .
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Yes and much cheaper .. the best part it worked and haven’t had acid reflux but a couple times in around 25 years . Just don’t take a vinegar pill with a carbonated beverage.. or mentos with on either hahaha ! Also be sure to test the Mg your taken and if your stomach will tolerated the dose .. the 400 mg were to much for me so I cut them in half and no problems .. I only take them on very rare occasion's if I feel any bloating or indigestion ..
I've never tried any or needed them yet. I will if that occasion arises for sure!
Now I’m needing to figure out what types of naturals are natural blood thinners since Eliquis is most likely going to be completely out of the question due to out of pocket cost even with Medicare ..
I found out Tumeric spice is not suppose to be taken with blood thinners . The cardiologist didn’t even know that . Put me into irregular heart sinus rythem for a day and a half when I did add it to my food . There are no generics for Eliquis and I will not take Cumadin ever. That rat poison will kill you IMO along with constantly going to the doctor to have your blood checked .. of course Eliquis can make you bleed out and only getting blood pumped back in can save your ass .. Cumadin you can bleed out also but vitamin K is used to help stop the bleeding .
I hate freaking drugs .. I’m down from 10 to basically 1 right now since I have started weaning myself off the Eliquis .. the remaining drug is more for blood pressure which is better than it was when I was 20 years old . I’m on it due to the irregular heart beat crap which occurs when my heart rate goes into the 70 beats per minute range sometimes .. my heart rate is mostly in the high 30’s to low 50’s ( normal resting heart rate is 60 to 100 beats per minute ). been that way since I was much much younger .. that’s known as Bradycardia and or a athletic heart .. I’ve always been extremely active . So I’m not even sure I need that BP med ( metoperol ) .

PS : screw the doctors and research yourself about any drugs they scribe to you .. the SOBs gave me several drugs that put me into such low Hypotension that I could have easily gone into shock or had organs fail if I wasn't monitoring things at home and called them .
Absolutely must watch out for your self they make mistakes all the time!!
Good you are getting off all that stuff!

I'm sure you will find the right natural one if you keep searching! Good luck on that your doing great!
Well I did do one end to the other of Death Valley in August without A/C also . The price we pay for trying to mod and lighten the load to make a car faster hahaha
Your obviously crazy. :eek::D
Your obviously crazy. :eek::D
Not as crazy as the guy that was walking on a road that looked like it went to nowhere only carrying a gallon jug of water near Bad Water area where the huge field of snow never melts . No Idea what he was doing !