Engine noise


Full Access Member
Dec 9, 2006
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Hey folks, been a long time right?? ;) Yeah, my apologies for not
coming around more often.. See, the problem is when i come around here
i tend to spend alot of money :dontknow: :D :D :D :burnout: So while
i'm at school i'm trying to keep the spending to a minimum..

Anyways, here's the situation today when i got into my truck to turn it
on the truck started fine but the engine sounded horrible. I immediately
shut it off and checked to make sure that there was nothing under the
hood caught in the belts etc.. After this i turned the truck back on
and listened for the sound. The sound is almost like a knocking but
not? The engine was running normal other than this sound so i assume
i didn't break anything serious? I'm not really sure.. The sound seems to
orginate from either the 3rd or 4th back on the right side of the engine.
Keep in mind this morning i didn't have this sound when i started it and
i haven't driven it hard all day today. It almost sounds like i have a loose
header but whatever it is it just doesn't sound good.. If you would like
pictures, sound, etc.. I can try to get it but i'm at school with no tools
so i'm kinda screwed.. I might go out and buy a craftsmen set tonight
if need be.. Oh also, while driving back to my apartment i noticed the
oil pressure fluxuating from 50 psi idle to about 80 psi under light


I went ahead and grabbed a video of the noise so you folks can get a
better idea of what i am talking about.. The noise should be fairly obvious
If it isn't try listening for that one piston firing louder than all the other
pistons.. :confused:


Gee Brat...I think you have it.

Check to be sure you have not lost a header bolt of two first...
Well, i suppose it's better than a blown head gasket or even a blown motor..
How much of a problem is this going to cause me if i try and drive on it?
Sharpimage said:
Well, i suppose it's better than a blown head gasket or even a blown motor..
How much of a problem is this going to cause me if i try and drive on it?
Try not to drive it that much,you could burn a valve.
It's without a doubt the header gasket as previously posted. Go back with the OEM exhaust gasket and you'll not have the problem again. I experienced the same with my Belangers. My driver side failed first. The passenger side failed recently. I had no noise on the way to work. When I got in my truck at the end of the day to leave it sounded exactly like yours. It'll get worse until you change it. Now that you have an air passage more pieces will pass through it.

Congrats on having a cheap problem that's easy to fix.

Well, thanks for the input folks i'll be sure to call Dragon first thing
tommorow and get the gaskets rushed so can do the swap on the
weekend.. On another note, i just bought my first tool set! :D

my Belangers did the same.

think its common with fiber header gaskets, even if ya retorque a couple of times like recommended.

mine was shootin towards my brand new Adam's wire boot

went with Cometic MLS gaskets & stainless header bolts. no probs.
59caddyhog said:
Amazing thing ain't, record and post on YouTube and get 10 answers.

The wonders of modern technology.

Hahah couldn't agree with you more :)

After thinking about it for a bit i do remember installing the fiber gaskets
that came with the B&B long tubes.. Now my question is, i've just ordered
the oem exhaust manifold gasket from Justin. If one side of my engine has
the B&B fiber gaskets and the other side has the oem metal shims will
my fiber gaskets on the other side have a higher chance of blowing out
through uneven pressure?? I know this may seem like a silly question
but i don't want to have to replace my driver side now only to find out
that i need to do my passenger side on tuesday of next week.. Also,
would it be easier to disconnect the long tubes entirely or just unbolt
them from the engine and work on it from there? And if i remember correctly
the easiest way to do this was to remove the wheel and wheelwell and use
an extention to get at the bolts?


Boy that was weird. I posted something in another thread and it showed up here:dontknow: WTF? I am so confused. Well sorry guys disregard my previous post. It has nothing to do with this thread.:(
hell ya will be all set up after the drivers side. just do the R.H. side then & no more worries
Hey folks, i got the oem gasket installed properly however
that last bolt on the drivers side totally messed me up. I
managed to crossthread the hole. So i've decided to bring it
to the dealership on monday to see if they can install that
last bolt. Now since this is my only mode of transportation
around town i'm wondering how bad it would be to drive the
truck without that last bolt.. Would it cause another blowout?
or melt that gasket? or do something worse? The amount of
driving would be minimal, mainly around 5 miles bothways tops...