feeler-Interest in snow chains for the trucks

I would not put chains on my truck..unless...maybe...it was a daily....I dont see the problem here...if you use the truck as a DD and need to get thru snow then why not chains????...:dontknow: ..........
My truck is a DD, use it everyday in all weather. I thought about chains and then thought again. If it's that bad out, I stay put until Mother Nature or my illustrious county forges me a path out. If I know bad weather is headed in, I plan ahead, e.g. stocking up on food and beer :D and if need be making alternate arrangements for work.

You can use chains on these vehicles but per my owners manual, the chains must meet SAE type S specifications (class S). Also, per the owners manual, and I quote this "NOTE: The use of class "S" chains is permitted on SRT-10 Models with the use of 17 x 8 steel wheels (part number 52113265AC) available from your authorized dealer." Personally I wouldn't use chains or any other type of affixed traction aide on these wheels -- too many a chance for something to happen which in my world would require replacement/repair of expensive parts.
Cable-chains are different than chainlink units, do fit differently, & are an emergency only remedy to a short-term problem. Should be used only to get you someplace safe.
Damn, I thought we had a new winter sport going. Ice drags.:rock: :rock:
You may consider gettin a cheep or should I say inexpensive set of smaller rims and putting "Studded" Snow Tires on it..... They are a lot better than "Slinging" a Chain and tearing up the Body Work.... :)

Some states don't allow "Studds" any longer as they do tear up the roads when there is no snow or ice.

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