For you Motorcycle Riders...

Some awesome piks......

Been riding fast bikes for over 40 years..... Still didn't like the golf=faggots remark.....

Golf (afterall) isn't fkn needlepoint or crochet... It's the hardest sport in the world.....:D

Elitists kinda suck.......;) I know, you didn't write the faggot bit..... we coo'...:rock:

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Cool pic's. I ride daily. As for golf, I spend too much time at the ball washing station. What can I say , I'm a neat freak. :D
Harleys, making men into boys since 1918???

how about since 1903?

and golf is not a sport...thats like saying nascar is a sport
As Eric Von Ripper used to say "Cickles are Cool".

Now lets see which old farts remember what movies he was in.

Very cool shots.Last one is the best.Went on a trip to colorado a couple years ago and got above the tree line.freaking AWESOME.!!!Brought back some great memories.rented a gold wing and put a thousand miles on it in two days!!
actually, i can play. i smack the ball like john daly, unfortunately i putt as bad as him as well. And i didnt really crack on golf, just said that its not really a sport. I would say that it is more like a skill.
MUTT said:
actually, i can play. i smack the ball like john daly, unfortunately i putt as bad as him as well. And i didnt really crack on golf, just said that its not really a sport. I would say that it is more like a skill.

Thanks for the clarification, bro......;)

Damn Mutt, you can't talk nasty about NASCAR. and I thought you were really a nice fellow.
Damn Mutt, you can't talk nasty about NASCAR. and I thought you were really a nice fellow.

Tape down the left turn signal and maish the peddle ........ That's NASCAR, bubbah....:p ;)
